Not a good day

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Warnings: Pills, anxiety, depression, unhealthy relationships, abuse, homophobia

  //Earlier in the day//

Bad was still up, as usual. He waited until Skeppy fell asleep and everyone left the call, then he followed his nightly routine. He quickly went into his bathroom, opening the cabinets and looking for his pills. 

 It wasn't like he needed them, the pills just made things easier, that was all. He'd stop once he was fine without them, they just calmed his anxiety. As he filled a cup of water, he heard screaaming. "G- GEORGE! SAP- SAPNAP! BAD! SKEPPY- SOMEONE!!!"

 That was right outside their apartment.. And.. That was Niki's voice. "SKEPPY!!" Bad yelled, running out of the bathroom and towards the windows. Skeppy had teleported to Niki, getting her away from the situation. He got Niki next to Bad within seconds, as Bad held Niki tight.

 //Present time//

  Bad sat on Niki and Jack's couch, pulling off a smile. He was barely stopping himself from shaking. He needed to get home soon, he had been in a rush earlier. He wasn't able to take his pill, and so his anxiety had been messing with him all day. Social anxiety, and a bit of depression that he struggled to get past. 

After another hour of small talk, everyone started leaving, and Bad rushed out. Of course, Niki noticed. Bad was usually the type to stay behind and help clean up. "Hey Bad, you okay? You've seemed off today." Niki asked, concern lacing a words. "I'm fine, just didn't eat breakfast is all!" Bad lied, smiling. "Okay.. Well, make sure to eat when you get back home, Okay?" She smiled as Bad closed the door behind him, nodding. 

 He quickly started running home. He decided to walk rather than drive, and now he regretted it. But soon enough, he was at the apartments. He stopped for a moment, panting and taking deep breathes. Once his breathing was normal again, he went up the stairs and unlocked his apartment door. 

 "Sh.." He sighed, before catching himself. "Sh..Oot.." He laughed to himself, before going to the bathroom. There, his cup, still, sat. He poured one of the pills into his hand, putting the bottle away. He quickly grabbed the cup, tossing the pill in his mouth and washing it down with the water. He quickly swallowed, pouring out the rest of the water.

 As he exited the bathroom, his phone went off in his pocket. 

Niki said you seemed off, she texted me

She was super worried

Did you forget your pill?

Bad sighed, smiling. Skeppy was always there for him. Even when.. No one else, was.


I'm fine, and no I didn't forget, keppy, I didn't
have time to take it this morning

Bad turned off his phone after sending the message, sighing. He sat down on the couch, the coffee table they owned in front of him.

 It was a small apartment, of course. But it was decorated very well, and the decorations alone cost more than their rent. The cofee table in front of him was made of glass, and obsidian. It had a vase on it, that as well made of obsidian, holding a wither rose. The most dangerous of flowers.

 But his attention wasn't on that, at the moment. It was on the picture placed in front of the vase, right where he was.

 He pulled out his phone, shaking. 


Seppy, did you pull out the picture?


You know I hate that picture, Skeppy

 Bad was left on read, before Skeppy called him.

 Of course, he answered.

 "Bad, I didn't fucking put that picture there!! I swear- Bad, Get out of there-" Skeppy's words were so rushed and urgent, Bad didn't even consider saying 'language', instead, he grabbed the keys from the coffee table, getting up, opening the door, and locking it behind him.

 "I'm out- I'm out-" Bad said through the phone, his etars glazing over with tears.


 "DARYL YOU MORON!" The young demon's brother yelled, slamming open the door to his room. "What- What did I do- I-" Bad stammered, only to be slapped by his brother. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKING DID IDIOT! YOU STOLE MY PHONE! NOW TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK IT IS!" He yelled, griping Bad's hair. 

  "I- I DON'T KNOW!" Bad sobbed, as his brother tugged harder on his hair. "FUCKING FAGGOT! STOP LYING!" Bad started sobbing more, as he heard the sound of his windows shattering. His head snapped towards the sound, seeing the diamond hybrid he'd befriended days ago. 

 "YOU CAN'T CALL HIM THAT!" The male yelled, balling his fists. Skeppy, was his name. The hybrid was younger than Bad, but so much more brave and resilliant. "Excuse me?" His brother retorted, glaring at Skeppy. "YOU HEARD ME! YOU CAN'T FUCKING CALL HIM THAT! YOU- YOU- YOU ASSHOLE!"

Bad's brother was clearly pissed at this point, before a smirk made it's way to his face, releasing Bad's hair. His brother made him hate the long hair he wore, but whenever he cut it, it just grew back. "Oh I see, so this is the boy you're fucking. You're both disgusting faggots. You know that?"

 Bad froze, seeing Skeppy's fists turn white. His was certain that Skeppy was ready to start a fight. "Take. That. BACK!" Skeppy yelled, punching Bad's brother right in the eye. Bad gasped, "SKEPPY! YOU JUST- YOU JUST-" Bad froze, eyes darting from the two men. 

 Skeppy ran to Bad, hugging him tightly as he teleported the two away. "I'm so glad your okay!" Skeppy sobbed, hugging Bad. "I'm- I'm so sorry- I'm-" Bad rambled tears pouring down his face. "No, no, none of that was your fault!" Skeppy told him, clutching Bad tighter. "I can't believe you've lived with them all your life.."

//End of flashback//

 Bad could feel the tears sliding down his cheeks at the memory, his family was always the worst.. His mother died when he was only 3, his father was always drunk, his brother abused him constantly, and his sister never stopped yelling at him and hitting him. He hated that family, but it was the family he was born with.

 "I hate them.." Bad spat, leaning against the door to his apartment as he stayed on call with Skeppy. "And you have every right to." Skeppy sighed over call, as another tear slid down Bad's cheek. "I get off in an hour, stay out of the apartment until them, okay? I'll call George and see if he can take you to his place." Skeppy said, as Bad let out a weak "ok." 

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