Hated coffee shop.

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"Well.. I guess we could just talk now, then! Oh! Here comes the friend I was talking about!" George winked, Dream rolled his eyes in response. "Heh George, Hi Bad! Whose this?" The male smiled brightly, his hair was brown though it was lighter than George's.

"Hello Karl! This is Dream! He's single.." George winked, and Karl laughed. "Yeah, and you know Sapnap and Quackity would prefer it be kept that way!" Karl's smile was wide, and that was when Dream realized he was an elf. "Wait, elves are still alive??" Dream seemed confused, and Karl giggled a bit, smiling more. "Not many of us, but yes!"

Dream laughed a bit, feeling a bit better. A sort of anxiety still seemed to bubble in his stomach though, it always did. Even if he just passed by, he felt uncomfortable. It was rather fitting, though.

// (flashback). //

"Mom, Dad.. This is uhm, This is Cara, my girlfriend.." Dream laughed nervously, pulling a chair out for the girl. He was 18 and had been dating her since they were both 15. Her long blonde & Brunnete hair bounced as she walked, and her smile was bright. "It's lovely to meet you! Clay's told my a lot about you!" Dream blushed at hearing her say his real name. He was used to being called Dream, but she still insisted on calling him Clay.

"Oh, I bet he has. I heard that he's met your parents, what took so long for you to meet us, hmm..?" Dream's mother mainly directed it at Dream but Cara laughed. "Well- uhm I mean- I didn't want to make you feel bad because well uhm-" Dream couldn't get the words out, so the girl chimed in.

"He feels embarressed since your family is powerless, and my family are super hero's. But I find it lovely! It's so hard and rare to find normal, honest, working people now adays!" She smiled, waiting for someone to take their order. "Oh.. Clay has always felt embarrassed over his lack of powers. He's stubborn on that opinion." His mother laughed, getting along with the girl. "So your parents are hero's? What's their ranking?" Dream's father chimed in, sounding invested in her life.

"Oh, my father does patrol and my mother is a sea guard. She wants me to be one someday, but I don't know.." She hummed, seeming as if thinking. "WATCH OUT!" A hero's shouting was heard, but just as everyone looked an explosive was thrown into the building. It wasn't too close to their table, but close enough to catch Cara's hair on fire.

She scream, patting it down urgently but a good portion had burned off. She gasped, feeling the lightness of her hair. Dream took no time deciding on what to do, and immediately grabbed Cara, trying to get her under the table. But yet another explosive had been thrown directly in front of their table. Both of Dream's parents had just been exploded, and Cara was out of his sights. He was barely conscious, and his mind screamed to get up and find Cara, but he couldn't. He passed out.


"So Dream, have you always been single?" Dream's eyes widened at George's question, wondering if maybe he'd read his mind. He bit his lip, closed his eyes, and shook his head no. It was easier than the truth. Much easier.

It's not like he even knew what happened to that girl. He and her lost contact, as she never responded. He started to suspect she was dead after not even her family could locate her.

He hadn't realized it until George and Karl were calling his name, but he had zoned out. "Oh.. Sorry.. What were you, uh- What were you saying..?" He asked, laughing nervously. "I was asking what you want to drink. It is technically my job." Karl laughed, smiling.

"Oh uh.. Just a latte." Dream answered, sighing. "Alright! It'll be yours ASAP!" He laughed, walking off. "Yeah.." Dream mumbled, fidgeting with his hands. "So- Is Dream a Nickname, or did your parents REALLY like having a kid." Bad asked, smiling gently. "..It's a long story. And also, is Bad just like- A normal demon name or..?"

Bad laughed, shaking his head. "No! It's just a shorter version of my hero name. My real name is Daryl. I just go by Bad!" Dream nodded, showing his understanding.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

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