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Hey readers!

I know you probably won't read this, I never read them either to be fair but just in case you do this is my first book so if you are here to hate then I suggest you leave or I will kill off characters. Jk.......not really though.

I'm not sure whether this book will have 2 reads or 200 reads but however many it does I'm grateful for every single one of you who chooses to read my book. I'm on summer break so I'll keep you guys on a steady roll of updates!

I don't have a tik tok account for this page but i am on tik tok (obviously) don't be scared to make a tik tok about one of my smexy characters.

I'm not going to do aesthetics so imagine everyone how you please my dears and don't be a quite reader id love to hear suggestions on what you want in the book and NICE criticism , apologies for any grammar mistakes.

Ok I'll shut up now, HAPPY READING!

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