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Nightmares, could they get worse?

I have no idea.


They have so I'll change my answer to yes, they can get worse.

I fucking hate them.

Sleeping is the enemy anymore but with Rylee, it has gotten better.

I've become less violent with my episodes but doesn't mean they've completely stopped.

I'll be thankful for whenever that day comes.

Reliving that night kills me and knowing she's alive I feel like I'm watching a movie praying that will never happen to my mother.


My eyes opened and I came face to face with my beautiful girlfriend and I felt relieved.

"Are you okay?"

"I am now. What did I do?"

I raised up and I had Rylee's hand gripping it but not tightly.

"That's a first."

She nodded, yawning looking at me with her sleepy eyes, "Still the same dream?"


I took a deep breath still holding her hand realizing I was, I bring them to my lips kissing her rings and she blushed lightly.

"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay, Baby."

She kissed my lips softly and I laid back on the pillow with her laying on my shoulder lightly kissing the skin of my neck.

Rylee readjusted her head running her fingers across my chest lightly and I eventually closed my eyes again falling asleep with her.


Hours passed on and Rylee was still asleep when I woke up.

She was facing the opposite direction from me and my shirt she had was no longer on her. So all she was wearing was her panties.

I heard a knock on the door when Rylee tossed and turned and I fixed the blankets covering her up.

Betty walked into the room and she smiled, "Morning. I thought she would be awake. But when she does, let her know breakfast is almost ready."

I nodded, "I will."

She smiled looking at me, "Do you like pancakes?"

"I love them," I smiled.

Betty left the room closing the door behind her and Rylee turned facing me and I laid on the pillow.

Her eyes fluttered opened slowly when she looked at me, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

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