Chapter 7

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We walked into a tent, this one was much larger. Zuko and Iroh sat in chairs while listening to Zhao go on about a plan. I was isolated into the corner. Wondering why I was even there to begin with. I paid attention just in case anything important popped up in the conversation.

"And by year's end the Earth Kingdom capital will be under our rule." Zhao claimed, turning around from the war map to face Zuko,"The Fire Lord will finally claim victory in this war."

"If my father thinks that the people will just follow him willingly then he is a fool!" Zuko said 

"Two years at sea have done little to temper your tongue," Zhao smirked, then glanced at me. "You have such a doll traveling with you yet you're still so tense," I sat on the floor sending an ice cold glare Zhao's way.

Iroh was looking at the weapons when Zhao asked Zuko how his search for the Avatar was going, in which the weapons were knocked over. Causing a loud crashing noise. Iroh flinched, I took a long look at him. I cocked my eyebrow.

"Eh, my fault entirely." Iroh then walked away closer to me. I felt relieved that it issued a change of subject. I don't need someone like Zhao calling me 'doll' again.

"We haven't found him yet." Zuko said. 

"Did you really expect to? The Avatar died 100 years ago. Along with the rest of the air benders," Zhao said, narrowing his eyes.

I felt bad. If that's true, Aang has no family. His past before a few days ago is entirely gone. I sighed looking down once more.

"Unless you've found some evidence that the Avatar is still alive," Zhao smirked mischievously, taking another quick glance at me. I was getting increasingly uncomfortable with these glances.

Jeez I know you're up to something, but can you keep your eyes off of me. Uglh.

"No." Zuko frowned, clearly faked. "Nothing." He added

"Prince Zuko," Zhao began,"The Avatar is the only one who can stop the Fire Nation from winning this war. If you have an ounce of loyalty left, you'll tell me what you found," He looked down condescendingly to Zuko. Zhao was a lot worse then Zuko. 

"I haven't found anything," Zuko spoke once more,"It's like you said, the Avatar probably died a long time ago,"

"Come on Uncle, and you peasant. We're going," Yup he's still a dick though. Iroh helped me up. I thanked him, I didn't need help but the gesture was nice.

The guards blocked us off as a soldier told Zhao that the crew confirmed that Zuko had seen the Avatar. 

"Betrayed by your own huh," I whispered, adding fuel to the flame. Zuko was practically fuming with anger.

"Now remind me, how exactly was your ship damaged?" Zhao asked.

Zuko and Iroh had no choice but to explain what had happened. 

"So a twelve year old boy, bested you and your fire benders?" Zhao asked pacing back and forth in front of Zuko. "You're more pathetic than I thought," 

Zhao had no respect for Zuko. It was amusing, but also felt bad. Zuko isn't that much older than me from what it looked like but has been a target since we've docked. Seemed like everyone but his uncle hated him.

"I underestimated him once but I will not let it happen again!" Zuko claimed

"No, it will not!" Zhao said,"Because you won't have a second chance." 

"Commander Zhao, I've been hunting the Avatar for two years and I-"

"And You Failed!" Zhao yelled walking over to Zuko, "Capturing the Avatar is too important to teenagers hands! He's mine now,"

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