Chapter 27

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"This ship is sentimental to me," Bato said as he lead us back to the beach, "It was built by my father,"

"Is this the boat he took you ice dodging in?" Sokka asked.

"Yep,  and It's got the scar to prove it," Bato boastingly said,"How about you two? You must have some good stories from your first time ice dodging,"

We both frowned looking down,"We never got to go," I said.

"Dad left before they were old enough," Katara added

"Oh I forgot you were too young," Bato said, regretting what he said.

"What's ice dodging? Aang asked.

"It's a right of passage for young Water Tribe members," Bato said, "When you turn 14 your dad takes you-" He paused as me and Sokka were still looking down,"you know what, you're about to find out!"

Sokka and I looked up to Bato with a large smile. He let us go on the boat to recreate the ice dodging we would've had to do back home.

"Ice dodging is the ceremonial test of wisdom, bravery, and trust. In our village it was done by weaving a boat through a field of icebergs,"

"How are we supposed to ice dodge without ice?" Sokka asked confused.

"You'll be dodging,, those," He said as we approached a large area of jagged rocks that pointed out of the water.

"Woah," I said looking at our challenge.

"Sokka and Kya, you two must think as one, steering and calling the shots, but lead wisely," Sokka and I ran to the back of the boat. We locked hands giving each other a confident nod.

"We got this," Sokka said.

"You bet," I replied with a smirk.

"Katara you secure the mainsail. The winds can be brutal, so be brave. Aang you control the jib, without your steady hand we all go down. Your position is about trust,"

"I know that!" Aang said defensively, "I know that! Why wouldn't know that?! I'm the Avatar. know about trust!"

"For this to be done right, I can not help, you pass or fail on your own," Bato said sitting down in the front to watch us. I took a deep breath, this is it.

As we approached the rocks I looked to see what needed to be done.

"Aang, ease up on the jib," Sokka ordered.

"Katara, keep it steady," I added.

I helped Sokka pull the back the steer to change directions.

"Aang, less sail, Katara, give him room," He said as I kept the steer in position.

Aang pulled quickly on the jib and we swerved around a rock.

"A little more Aang," I said

We headed straight for three large rocks making Sokka gasp.

"Aang," Sokka shouted out,"Helm to lee, helm to lee,"

"What does that even mean?!" Aang shouted back.

"Pull down," I explained in the simplest way I could.

I groaned, as me and Sokka were to busy pushing to try and change direction. Aang ended up figuring it out alone.

"Katara make sure you don't loosen the sail," I ordered as we swerved once more making me almost fall. Sokka grabbed my arm before I crashed into the floor of the boat.

We made it past the large rocks.

"Great job!" Sokka congratulated as I let out a breath of air.

We approached a large bunch of rocks with very little space. I stared at it trying to find a solution.

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