Chapter 8

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We have been out at sea for a few days now. I mostly stayed in my room, working out. Iroh would come and ask me to eat above deck, to get "fresh ocean air". Which I appreciated, he would call me up when Zuko wasn't there. I didn't want to run into him, his yelling gets annoying. As the days went by, talking to Iroh became easier to talk to. Although there was still a lack of trust, I had company. Iroh made things feel less tense than they were.

A knock at my door.

"Hello Kya. How is your arm?"

"It's doing better now, the paste you gave me is working well. Thank you." I said softly with a grateful look on my face.

"I'm glad it worked. Would you care to join me at a game of Pai Sho?"

"I'm sorry Iroh, I don't know how to play," I said sitting up from the floor,"The South didn't really own many board games."

"I'll teach you. Please, it's quite boring up on deck,, alone" He said. Alone, no Zuko. I accepted the offer giving a small smile to Iroh.

"I had meant to say this before, but thank you. If it wasn't for your kindness. I would be rotting in a cell right now." I lowered my head, as much as I wanted to argue the fact, I was practically useless right now. I don't have a clue where my family is, and I'm still recovering from a nasty burned left arm. I puffed at a piece of my bang that covered my right eye.

"You are very welcome." He said with a smile. Always so cheerful.

As we walked up to the deck, he led me to the Pai Sho table. We sat across from each other.

In the center of the board is a diamond shape divided into four quarters with white and red at opposite corners. There are four outer triangles that are red and the rest are yellow. Iroh began to tell me the rules and I was paying close attention. Grasping the rules. A strategic game that's for sure.

We began the first game. He started since I was still trying to understand how the game worked. A white lotus tile. It was very distinct to the other tiles. Iroh had mentioned he always started the game with that tile.

"You seem to hold interest in this specific tile Iroh." He chuckled

"It's a crucial factor to whether you win or lose that I like to employ. This tile may not be as regarded as the other, but it holds great importance. If you know how to play it correctly," I absorbed his words. It was always interesting to hear Iroh speak. I nodded along.

The more we played, the more I thought about how my mother would've loved this game. Iroh seemed to notice my change in attitude. I felt my eyelids droop a bit. I fiddled with a tile piece in my hand.

"Is something wrong, Kya?" He asked kindly

"It's nothing. It's just, my mother would've loved to have played this,,,If she was still alive." I hesitantly said, feeling bad I ruined the mood. I took a long look at the Fire Nation emblem on the ship. But Iroh didn't seem to mind. He just looked at me, a sorrowful look in his eyes. A smile curled as he motioned for us to continue the game. I nodded in agreement.

"Uncle! have you seen-" Zuko stopped as he slowed down approaching the Pai Sho table. "You"

"Me," I said placing a tile on the board.

"Is there something you wanted from Kya? We were just having a splendid game of Pai Sho." He said calmly as he moved another piece on the board.

"She's just always been in her room," He paused. "I thought she would pull something since the door was open,"

I earned a deadly stare. I didn't even say anything though.

"First I'm not a threat then I am. Don't humor me,"

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