Chapter 12

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The previous events caused Aang and Katara to expose our identities. I wasn't entirely against it unlike Sokka initially was. Overbearingly worried word would spread that the Avatar and his friends were in the village. Haru's mother allowed us to stay for the night but told us to leave first thing in the morning which we agreed because Sokka was spreading paranoia in regards to the Fire Nation soldiers in the area.

Haru brought us to the barn, we thanked him, and I motioned to talk to him outside. I felt the need to further apologize to him.

"Hey Haru," I began trying to form an excuse. "I'm sorry for my sister, she shouldn't have spoken so rashly. She really means well,"

"It's okay, seriously," He softly smiled as he began to walk. I followed. "It's actually funny, the way she talked back in the store. I understand why you tried to stop her but I'm glad she still said all those things,"

I looked over at him. My face read 'really are you sure?' I couldn't understand.

"My father was very courageous, when the Fire Nation invaded he and the other earth benders were outnumbered, ten to one. But they fought back anyway,"

I couldn't bring myself to speak. I listened to every word coming out of his mouth. As the cliff became closer. He knelt down and faced the horizon. I watched him from behind. The sadness he held in his heart, the loss of his father. Knowing he's alive and he can't even see him.

"After the attack they rounded up my father and every other earth bender and took them away, we haven't seen them since,"

"Why keep doing it then?" I replied, "Earth bending is something you're born with, but if you're placed at such high risk? Is it truly worth it?" I couldn't help but ask him this. Was I asking him, or myself, to justify why I continued even after everything I went through. I am also one of the last benders of my tribe. Why did I continue? Deep down I knew my answer. 

He picked up two rocks and swirled them in his fingers. "The problem is the only way I can feel close to my father is when I practice my earth bending." He crushed the rocks letting the sand seep through his fingers. A breeze went by, he took a small breath, "He taught me everything I know,"

"You hid in the woods to feel close to your father," I deeply sighed.

"Yes," He said. Looking at me. He smiled, I returned the gesture. Sitting down next to him.

"I know how you feel," Haru observed as my body shifted, crumpling myself inwards a bit. I bit my lip, pulling on the dry skin caused by traveling for so long without any proper hydration. I clenched my fists in sadness, a warm hand placed itself on my right shoulder. I look back at Haru.

"I lost my mother in a Fire Nation raid. Did you notice Katara's necklace?" Haru nods silently, he wants me to take my time. He's kind, "It's all we have left of her,"

My eyes saddened as I looked down the cliff, smiling to make it hurt less. Haru softly clutched my shoulder, rubbing it a little. I kept looking down. How many times have I looked down a glacier as high as this cliff, many times I've thought in the past of jumping off. But my family needed me, so I sucked it in and continued. Memories of the past flew through my mind in these moments. The feeling of emptiness faded from the presence of another person.

"I let Katara have it, she needed it more, she's the youngest, but sometimes I wish I had something else of my mother to remember her by," I added, pausing, "You father is a very brave man," Trying to shift the conversation.

Haru couldn't help but smile. I was hurting yet still mustered enough to speak well of his father, a man I have never met.

"You're also brave," I chuckled underneath my breath, "You helped your mother, by not fighting back. Strong enough to hold back a fundamental part of your being. It's commendable," I said, looking at him smiling.

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