(A/N: First of all I'd like to apologize. I did this episode last minute and the quality isn't as good as I wished it was. I'll try to fix it once I finish book one. Second of all the entire episode of Omashu is packed into this chapter so its kind of long. Thank you for reading up to this point ◡̈)
(Oh also the next chapter will be up shortly ꕤ)
After a while we all walked up a hill. Aang excitedly stopped at the tip, opening his arms out.
"The Earth Kingdom City of Omashu." He announced
It was an amazing looking city. It was like nothing I've ever seen before, something I never believed I had the chance to see in my life. I looked over at Sokka and Katara whose mouths were hanging open in astonishment.
"I used to always come here to visit my friend Bumi,"
"Wow," Katara said, "We don't have cities like this in the South Pole."
"They have buildings here that don't melt," Sokka said, entranced with the scene before us.
"And buildings instead of small igloos," I added
"Well let's go slow pokes. The real fun is inside the city!" Aang said while jumping up and sliding down the hill.
"Wait Aang! It could be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar." Katara said stopping the boy
"You need a disguise," Sokka said.
"So what am I supposed to do? Grow a mustache?" Aang questioned.
I looked around, Sokka and I both landed our eyes on Appa. Sokka sent a vibrant look my way as I nodded
"You'll see," I motioned Aang to come back our way.
I started pulling loose fur off Appa. He sheds a lot so it was easy to get as much as we needed. I then handed it over to Sokka. Sokka made it into a fur version of a straw hat, only one strand of rope keeping it in place. Katara then placed the hat on Aang's head along with a mustache. It was a long shot but it was probably the only option we could come up with so quickly.
I tilted my head to the side. It still looks weird. I looked to Sokka who was impressed with the work we've done.
"Ugh, this is so itchy." Aang said, scratching his head through the fur, "how do you live in this stuff?"
Appa turned to Aang and blew air out of his nose.
"Great! Now you look just like my grandfather," Sokka said sitting on a rock next to me
"Technically, Aang is a hundred and twelve years old," Katara said looking over to us.
"I still think it's a weird look, even for an old man," I said leaning on Sokka.
Aang kicked his staff and grabbed it. Holding it like a cane.
"Now let's get to skippin' young whipper snappers. The big city awaits!" Aang said, trying to mimic the voice of an old man.
"Okay gramps," I said, getting up and following Aang.
We walked all the way to the city's outer walls. A single path led in and out of the city.
"You guys are gonna love Omashu," Aang said as we walked the path, "The people here are the friendliest in the world,"
"Rotten cabbages?!" We all looked ahead to see the soldiers guarding the city yelling at a cabbage vendor, "What kind of slum do you think this is?!"
He smashed the cabbage, slapping the other out of the vendors' hands, and made the wagon go flying in the air using earth bending.
"No! My cabbages!" The man yelled looking over.

Kya Maiden of the Sea Book 1 ATLA
FanficKya, Sokka's twin, and Kataras's older sister. She holds a cold glare to everyone around her, often being misunderstood. She sensitive but holds a fiercely calm facade and will do anything for the people she loves. But she has one fear, losing the...