Two days following the storm, Sokka got sick. He had non stop coughing fits, a horribly high fever, oh and he's hallucinating. Things were just peachy. Katara had been doing her best to nurse him back to health. As much as I would love to give a helping hand, there's one thing I never want to experience again. Being sick and bed ridden. I tried shaking the idea of being as sick as Sokka.
A long time ago, when I was a little kid, when my mother was still alive I got terrifyingly sick. No one in the village thought I would survive, I spent over a week bed ridden coughing blood. No medicine worked and no one knew what to do about it. Katara was too young to properly remember but she and Sokka would cry every day because I barely had enough energy to move. Suddenly the day after a large blizzard I got better. The villagers assumed it was because my pet leopard caribou ran away, the people said she was cursed and had a bad omen because I found her injured away from a pack who would've protected her. I didn't want to believe them, but I recovered after she ran away. I still miss her.
Around this time of year, the day of the blizzard, I would get sick and feel the effects from when I was sick. Gran-gran said it was probably because I spent so much time with a 'cursed creature' but I didn't care. But the memory of getting sick bothers me till this day.
I sat against the wall on the other side watching the three talk.
"I couldn't find any ginger root for the tea," Aang said pulling a paper out,"But I found a map. There's an herbalist institute on the top of that mountain. We could probably find a cure for Sokka there,"
"Aang, he's in no condition to travel. Sokka just needs more rest. I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow," Katara said. I shook my head. She's right my brother will only get worse if he travels that far.
Katara began to cough repeatedly. I got startled and moved even farther away into the corner I was in. Shake the thought away Kya, you are not getting sick.
"Not you too," Aang was concerned
"Relax. It was just a little cough. I'm fine," She had another coughing fit then groaned.
I started picking my nails. Please spirits, not me next.
"That's how Sokka started yesterday! Now look at him. He thinks he's an earth bender,"
I looked past them to see my poor Sokka punching the air, "Take that. You rock."
"Best Water Tribe earth bender there is," I sarcastically whispered to myself
"A few more hours and you'll be talking nonsense too. I'm going to find some medicine,"
"I'm coming!" I shot up, scaring Aang a little, "I'm coming too," I ran over.
"Uh, maybe it's safer if we go on foot," Aang said as lightning shot from the sky once more. I gave a soft groan at the loud thunder. I still recovering from the headaches but I'm better since the day of the storm.
"Keep an eye on them guys," Appa and Momo responded in agreement as Aang picked me up and jumped out. He was running extremely fast. It was actually quite thrilling. 'You got this Aang' I mentally cheered him on. Aang didn't stop until we got all the way to the summit where the herbalist was.
"Good job Aang," I said patting him on the back as he smiled at me.
We ran into the herbalists workplace.
"Hello. Sorry to barge in like this but need some medicine for my friends. They have a fever and they were coughing and-"
"Settle down young man, your friends are going to be fine." She said to a very antsy Aang.

Kya Maiden of the Sea Book 1 ATLA
FanfictionKya, Sokka's twin, and Kataras's older sister. She holds a cold glare to everyone around her, often being misunderstood. She sensitive but holds a fiercely calm facade and will do anything for the people she loves. But she has one fear, losing the...