Chapter 30

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While we were headed in the direction of the North Pole, we stopped by a storyteller. The winds were getting colder so I put on my gloves as we listened to the man.

"So, traveler, the next time you think you hear a strange large bird talking. Take a closer look, it might not be a giant parrot, but a flying man," The old storyteller said pointing to the sky,"A member of a secret society of air walkers who laugh at gravity, and laugh at those bound to the earth by it,"

Aang smiled brightly,"Aren't air bender stories the best?" Aang asked

"Was it realistic?" Katara asked,"Is that how it was back then?"

"I laugh at gravity all the time," Aang replied, giving a laugh,"Gravity,"

The old man came by asking for tips, but we had nothing to offer. We were broke, again. Aang approached the man thanking him for the story, the man didn't want to hear thanks, just money. A coin fell from his hat, Momo jumped down putting it back in the hat. The man thought Momo gave money.

"Much obliged little bat thing," The man thanked Momo.

"It means a lot to hear air bender stories," Aang said,"It must have been a hundred years ago your great-grandpa met them,"

"What are you talking about, child?" The man asked,"Great-grandpappy saw the air walkers last week,"

I looked up, is that even possible?

In Aang's excitement we set off to the Northern Air Temple to see if what the man said was true.

"This is where they had the championships for sky bison polo," Aang explain as we got closer to the temple.

"Do you think we'll really find air benders?" Katara asked as Sokka carved a wooden sculpture.

"You want me to be like you or totally honest?" Sokka replied

"Are you saying I'm a lair?" Katara said, crossing her arms.

"No," I chimed in,"He's saying that we can't be too optimistic about something that could potentially not be true,"

I wanted it to be real, for Aang's sake but I didn't want to hope too much. 

"Same thing basically," Sokka added.

"Hey, guys, look at this!" Aang announced.

From the distance we saw gliders soar through the air. Aang and Katara smiled as I looked at Sokka with an unsure look.

"They really are air benders," Katara said.

"No, they're not," Aang said, a bit annoyed leaning back. He was right. With a closer look they were just people gliding through the air, it wasn't air nomads, they looked like Earth Kingdom people.

"What do you mean they're not?" Sokka asked,"Those guys are flying!"

"Gliding maybe but not flying," Aang informed,"You can tell by the way they move. They're not air benders, those people have no spirit,"

I could tell from the way he talked he was bothered it. Then suddenly a boy flew over us chuckling.

"I don't know Aang. That kid seemed pretty spirited," Katara said pointing at whoever flew by.

Aang took it as a challenge and flew off. More gliders surrounded us making Appa lean back. Katara and I slid into Sokka.

"We better find some solid ground before it finds us," Sokka said with a worried look.

"Agreed," I said heading to hold Appa's reins and guide him to a large open area for him to land. We watched as the kid and Aang competed in the air. They swirled around. It seemed really, free in a sense. The boy released a bottle of gas and drew a picture of Aang in the sky with a dull face. Aang landed next to Katara as the other boy landed right after. He sat in wheelchair and made his way over to us.

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