move on

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as the bay city lays behind me
I take a step plagued with guilt
even when it's gone I find
I weave my shame into a quilt

perhaps, if it was meant to be
I wouldn't have turned out this way
they say you can't help it
but I sink into another helpless day

maybe when it's all over
I can dare to let myself dream?
I know my sins weigh too heavy
but perhaps I can fix these broken seams

of course, it's hard, I knew it'd be
a day of little for nothing more
but even so in sunlight gaze
there's nothing I loved so much before

and though there's nothing to be found
for my hopes and dreams rot in the ground
I'm glad, at least, I tried to put to rest
the pounding guilt that lay in my chest

I leave no mark
and leave no trace
but redemption's stark.
my soul walks slowly, setting pace

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