Chapter 5

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     You got out of the shower. What was I going to wear? You walk into the room where you were in before, and looked at Zayn. You raised one eyebrow. “Clothes?” “Oh yeah you need those.” He was shirtless, and you loved it. You bite your lip before walking into the closet. There before you, were a bunch of clothes. “I brought your clothes here; maybe I should have asked you if you wanted to move in with me. Sorry babe.” He had a smirk on his face. “I would have said yes anyways.” You then had a smirk on your face too. You took a look at your clothes, and then let out a very loud sigh. “Is something wrong love?” Zayn walked into the closet. “Do you not understand the meaning of organization?” You were being sarcastic, yet serious. Zayn rolled his eyes and walked away. That made you laugh. After what seemed like forever you decided to wear a loose blue blouse, black skinny jeans, and white flats. You walked back into the bathroom, from when you had taken a shower, finally realizing that all your hair supplies and makeup was in there. Was this here before? Must have been in here already, I need to pay attention to things more often.

     You had chosen to French braid your bangs and curled your hair; you thought that your hair looked very cute like that. You took your time putting on your makeup on, wanting to look your very best for Zayn. As you finish your make up you look to your left, and see Zayn just standing there, staring at you. “Is there something on my face?” You touch your cheeks right away. “Just your beauty.” You blushed at his compliment. “So, does this count? Is this a date?” Zayn walked up to you and held both of your hands in his. “It is now. Are you all ready?” You take one more look in the mirror, and shook out your curls once more. “Yeah, where’s my phone or my purse? It might be in there.” “I think I set it down by the bed.” Zayn says, walking into room. Once you were in there you spotted it. “Found it.” “Great, it is windy outside so wear this.” He handed you one of his jean jackets. You put on you and noticed it smelled like him, but then chose to not state that fact.

     “Wow, it looks better on you than it does on me.” Zayn leaned in and kissed you, you of course kissed him back. You both pulled away at the same time. He grabbed your hand, and said “Let’s go!” As both of you walked down stairs, you noticed that the house wasn’t as big as it was in your dream. It was cute, you smiled. Once outside, Zayn walked you to your side of the car and opened the door for you, “Thank you.” You got into the car, and watched as Zayn got into the car himself. “Where are we going?” You were still very much curious. “Downtown, there’s a carnival there, its best around sunset.” That sound absolutely fun, except you were scared of heights and Zayn knew that.

     About an hour later, you arrived at the carnival. You stepped outside of the car. You met Zayn in front of the car. “Oh my gosh!” You looked to see a girl running towards you and then she hugs you. Tonight it supposed to be fun and you had to deal with HunterLeigh-Anne. You two used to be friends in middle school. “Zayn, go get the tickets, I will be here.” And then he did as he was told.

     “Jason, come here!” she yelled at his guy with blonde hair. “That’s him, he’s the one.” The one? Oh shit. “I’m so happy for you!” And you really were, you believed that everyone deserves to find true love. “Yeah baby girl?” Jason showed up by Hunter’s side. “This is Jason.” You looked at him, “Hey.” You looked around for Zayn, and he was still in line. “So who was that guy that you sent to go the tickets?” “Oh that’s my boyfriend.” “Nice taste, can we hang with you guys tonight? Let’s catch up!”

     You were about to feel bad when… “JASON? What are you doing here?” Zayn says to Jason. “I’m doing the same as you, obviously.” He motioned towards you. “Wait a minute, you two know each other?” Hunter bursts out. Zayn put his arm around your waste. “Yes.” They both say in unison. Of course they do. “Let’s have a double date!” Hunter suggests. “Okay let’s do it!” I said, not wanting to be a bitch.

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