Chapter 11

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     Even though he didn’t know, you waited down stairs by the door. You secretly hoped that he would come running down and you two could just run away together. “She should still be here.” You heard Jason’s voice, and saw Jessie and him coming toward the door. “Even if she isn’t here we’ll find her, and plus her precious boyfriend is probably home. You quickly locked the door, locked the windows, and ran upstairs.

     Of course! How stupid could you be? You were going to leave Zayn here alone, waiting to get killed. You weren’t sure what was going on in your relationship, but if Zayn meant what he said earlier, then he wouldn’t want to see you dead. You walked down the hall very quietly. Jessie and Jason were probably finding a way into the house. Zayn was in the room, pacing around. You walked into the bathroom, and put your stuff into the tub, and closed the curtain. Zayn ran up to you and hugged you so tight.

     “Listen, we can’t talk very loud. We will talk about us in the car okay? But first we have to get out of this house alive.” you whispered, grabbing Zayn’s hand and pulling him into the closet. “What’s going on?” Zayn asked. You shut the closet behind him. “Shhh! I told you we have to be quiet!” you whisper yelled at him. He stepped closer to you, and gives you a peck on the lips.

     “What is going on?” he whispered. Tears formed in your eyes again. “Jason-” you began, wiping your tears away. “I thought Jason was going to kill me… so I killed him.” Zayn was speechless. “Well, at least I thought that I did…” Zayn’s eyes widened. “What do you mean you thought?” You heard noises in the house. “They’re in here…” “Someone’s in the house?” You hugged Zayn tightly because you have never been more scared in your entire life. “Jason and Jessie are the ones that are here Zayn.” You told him and then you heard Jason’s voice.

     You suddenly had insane courage. You pulled away from Zayn, “Stay here.” You whispered to him, only loud enough for him to hear. You walked out of the closet, and Jason saw you. He came closer to you, but before he grabbed you, you bicycle kicked him in the face. He fell to the ground and looked like he was knocked out. You went and shut the bedroom door. Then you walked quietly over to Zayn and then grabbed his hand. You both walked over to the bed. “We need to leave; I have something you need to know. This isn’t the time or the place to tell you what happened though.” Zayn said pulling you towards the door. You had a plan already. We need to stay alive, that means that I need to stay ahead of the game. “Zayn get under the bed.” He looked at you like you were crazy. “Get the under the fucking bed.” You knew that Zayn needed to hurry.

     Zayn crawled under the bed, and you went after. “Cover your mouth, Mr. Asshole over here is knocked out, so he isn’t going to be breathing.” You covered your mouth. “You want me to stop breathing?” Zayn froze as the door swung open. He slowly moved his hand up to cover his mouth.

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