My brother is apart of the dark cookies!?(chapter 3)

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Dark oreo pov

i woke up after a few hours. it was freezing cold outside but that's not why i woke up.i heard cookies calling my name it didn't take long to figure out what was happening. the guards were near by,without thinking i grabbed my stuff and ran just as the guards came to my shelter and saw me running away

i didn't stop even though they were calling for me to come back and chasing me i knew i couldn't run forever but it doesn't mean i can't hide.

i ducked behind a bush and held my breath as i heard them pass me,i perked up a bit and saw they had missed me and kept running forward. i took advantage of this and ran through the forest to make sure the guard's couldn't find me.

i ran for about 10 mintues before finally stopping to rest.oh god what do i do now? the guards now know im here what if they find me and bring me back to the dark cacao kingdom i will be in so much trouble.

all these thought's began to make me start to sob.


i perked up when i heard a male's voice and it didn't sound like they were too old they sounded my age

"are you alright?"

i boy came out and began to walk towards me.he had light yellow hair with white strips to it and a darkish tan cookie color and yellow eyes he was actually very cute

"are you lost?"

"no no im not lost i actually ran away from my kingdom"

i looked away to make sure no guard's were not around

"wait kingdom? oh i recognize you your the dark cacao princess"

And then he whispered the last few part's

"yeah but please don't see me as one im no longer a princess..."

he sat right next to me and put his hand under my chin and made me look at him i stared at his sun like eye's

"would you like to stay with me and my mama?"

i thought for a few second's than made up my mind

"sure ill stay with you and your mother"

he grabbed my hand and ran toward's a cottage in the middle of nowhere. he opened the door and told me to stay in the hallway while he got his mom so stood there for about 3 mintues before he came back with a women who looked like him expect she just had white hair

"oh my your hurt,let me go get the first aid kit"

the women took my hand and brought me upstairs and the boy followed behind me with his mother

"thats my mom vanilla cream cookie also i forgot to introduce myself,I'm banana cream cookie and i already know your name your dark oreo cookie"

i tensed a bit did he already told his mom about me being the princess of the dark cacao kingdom

"did you already tell her"

"oh yeah i already did,she said you can stay and she'll keep your serect"

i sighed, i have never been so relieved in my life she came back and began to take care of my wound's. i looked at banana cream cookie and he smiled at me i smiled back at him

something tells me that everything is gonna be ok

Fast forwards 9 years later

i woke up to an alarm ringing and i got up and yawned it was morning already?

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