the start of a long quest (chapter 4)

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Dark oreo pov:

"wait so your telling us your older brother is apart of the dark cookies!?"buttercup cookie said in such shock almost choking on her mint tea

"yes buttercup i am telling you my brother is apart of the dark cookies.."

"is this a good thing or a bad thing?"i sighed a bit and layed down on my seat me and banana cream decided to tell the group about this discovery

"i dont know rosebush my brother is in a group of cookies who wanna take over earthbread and cause chaos is a good thing?"

"oreo please calm down i know this is stressful"banana cream ran his tan fingers through my black hair trying to keep me atleast a bit calm during this conversation

"sorry its just-uh"i looked over at rainbow who looked shocked about what we just told them

"oreo its ok we know this is hard for you ever since you left your kingdom things are quite stressful for you"

"i know its just-i dont understand i know he slashed are father with that cursed sword but i didn't ever think you would join the cookies of darkness!"

i laided my head on the table as if my life already wasn't on edge enough with having to worry about watchers and guards coming through my town and figuring out im here!

i heard banana cream sigh and get up from the eye that wasn't on the table i saw him go to pour some tea and put the cup near me i sat my head back up and took a sip of the mint tea rainbow cookie made

i looked over at the rest of the group and saw rainbow's face change to shocked to a confient look

"guys i think we should go find dark choco cookie!"the rest of the group looked over at rainbow cookie shocked looks on their faces

"rainbow i know you want to help dark oreo through this but we don't even know where their base is and even if we did find their base dark enchantress wouldn't even let us in their base!"

rosebush was trying to put some logic into rainbows idea we all understood rainbow was just trying to help but somtimes i think she needs to try and put some logic in her ideas

"and one more thing that idea alone could risk dark oreo getting caught by a guard from her kingdom and she could be brought back into her kingdom where we would never see her again!"

i began to take thought of what rosebush said and rainbow's idea then an idea came in mind

"rainbow i like your idea"the group turned to me in shock

"oreo are you sure? we dont even know where the base is and what if a guard saw you?"

"well i have the book on the cookies of darkness and there could be a picture of what their base looks like after all the book strangley had alot of information on the dark cookies"

"can you show me the book?"buttercup asked i knew she was on edge with this idea but was willing to help me out

"yes buttercup i have it right here!"i handed the dark colored book to the oranged colored cookie as she flipped through the pages until she stopped on one

"you were right oreo there has been a sighting of their base of course near a dark chocolate forest near white lilies garden"

"who was brave enough to go and try and find the cookies of darkness base?"i heard banana cream say out loud in general confusion

"i dont know some cookie who was too curious and decided to go investagting"i looked over back at rainbow cookie who all of a sudden had a map and a rain pen she seemed to be marking the way we would be going

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