reunited siblings (chapter 7)

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Dark oreo pov:

"hello dear ive been expecting you"

dark enchantress cookie said in such a voice she put her hand under my chin and made me look up at her

"your dark oreo aren't you?"

"yes i am dark oreo i want to talk to my older brother let me see him!"

dark enchantress chuckled a bit was she making fun of my request? i was ready to pull out my sword to fight her but her words caught me off guard

"yes dear you can see your older brother"

i stood their for a few seconds was she really just gonna let me and my friends in?

she bent down a bit to where she could whisper in my ear

"we knew you and your friends were coming here so we set up a lil suprise for dark choco"

i felt a bit off about that knowing she knew we were coming here but atleast i can see my older brother without having to get in a fight with a powerful cookie

"come now ill lead you guys to the guest room dinner will be soon and another cookie will lead dark oreo to her dark choco"

we all looked at eachother before following dark enchantress inside the cake castle i felt something was off...

why was dark enchantress being so nice to us? i kinda expected a fight just to see dark choco but there was no fight was this really that easy?

i really hope nothing bad happens but i cant be for sure i know dark enchantress wasn't so nice she was in war with the ancients but why was she being nice to me?

"dark oreo please go with pomegranate cookie she will lead you to dark choco"

"where are you gonna take my group?"

"oh dont worry im taking them to the guest room until dinner"


i have my friends one quick smile to try and ressure them that every thing is gonna be ok before i begin to follow pomegranate cookie she lead me to another gate where i saw two shadows of other cookies

Dark choco pov:

i really didn't know what was happening yesterday and alot of today everyone was being so serective about something then licorice called me in here and is now covering my eyes

"licorice what are you doing"

"stop moving so much! its a suprise for you!"

i sighed a bit suprises here never mean good i can't even imainge what this "suprise" is gonna be posion mushroom giving me a box of shrooms? and i can't even decline is gift because i dont like seeing posion mushroom upset

i heard pomegranate cookie talking to someone it sounded like a female,is this the suprise a new memeber of the cookie of darkness if so why is it a suprise for me?

"ok licorice on the count of three under cover dark choco's eyes and then get out"

"ok jeez dont need to be rude"


licorice undercovered my eyes and ran the opposite directions stepping on my cloak nearly making me fall over i balanced myself again and turned to where licorice had gone off to i could see him in the distance

i remembered they said they had a "suprise" for me so i turned to see what the "suprise" was i know this "suprise" wasn't gonna be goo-

i stared in shock on the cookie i saw not being able to say anything

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