a place to call home (chapter 11)

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No ones pov:

it was about 7:00pm and it was rather quiet in the castle and a certain young cookie was sneaking off somewhere her brothers room


dark choco turned to see his eight year old sister peaking her head through his bedroom door

"oreo? is everything alright?"

dark oreo quietly went into her brother's room closing the door

"yeah everything is alright but i was wondering if you wanna see the stars tonight!"

dark choco smiled at this it was a little thing they did sneak onto the roof and look at the night sky together

"of course little sister!"

dark choco grabbed his sisters hand and leading her out of his bedroom and sneaking around the castle to keep watch of anyone that wouldn't want them on the roof

they got up on the castle roof with dark choco helping dark oreo up


dark oreo stared up at the night sky laying on her older brother who was doing the same


"yes oreo?"

dark oreo smiled before saying the words

"i love you!"

dark choco smiled at this

"i love you too oreo..."

suddenly dark oreo dissapered


dark choco screamed out for his little sister suddenly everything around dark choco began to disapper until it was nothing but a void his worst memories started to play

until the day he threaten dark oreo but this time she didn't leave and he killed her...


but he couldn't stop and infront of him was his dead little sister her body was so small and in her hand was the last drawing she made for him...

Dark choco sat up on his bed he was now at white creams home they made they attic a room for him and red velvet since white cream still had the matress and frame of her old bed and it was still as good as new

"choco love are you alright?"

red velvet said sitting up and checking on dark choco 

"yeah yeah im alright just a nightmare!"

it was around 4:00am and dark choco was on the urge of having a panic attack

"shhh its alright if you want you can tell me what the nightmare was about"

"well...the nightmare started with a memory of me and my sister sneaking off to the roof of the castle and looking at the night sky all of a sudden her and everything else disappered and i was in a black void..."

dark choco took a deep breath before continuing

"then my worst memories began to play until the one where i threaten my own sister but that time she didn't leave and i killed her...."

"love dont worry it wasn't real your sister is alright i promise you"

dark choco calmed down enough to be able to go back to sleep

dark choco and red velvet told eachother goodnight before dark choco cuddled on red velvet and feel asleep


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