Three ancients thinking(chapter 14)

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this takes place two months after the last chapter and  the next day after the cream republic/the council of heros

Pure vanilla pov:

it had been well with the cream republic well besides dark enchantress attacking us,dark cacao getting drunk on berry juice,clotted cream cookie almost getting attacked by dark cacao other than those things it rather went well

on the way back to the vanilla kingdom though dark cacao mentioned he needed to speak to me and hollyberry cookie in private

we all agreed to meet back at the vanilla kingdom for a hang out like the old days with all five of us

i wonder where golden cheese and white lily are after all these years...

i was in my castle waiting for hollyberry and dark cacao to arrive 

"pure vanilla cookie!"

i heard the joyful voice of hollyberry cookie coming in the room along with dark cacao

"great to see you both again"

even thought its only been about eighteen hours since i last saw them it felt good seeing them again

"so dark cacao what do we need to speak about?"

dark cacao face turned to somewhat happy to nervous

" know about dark choco and dark oreo?"

my face turned into a frown hearing about the two cookies

"yeah i heard dark choco attacked you and fleeded and then dark oreo went after dark choco and hasn't been seen since..."

when i heard about the news i was upset to say the least something just didn't feel right hearing about the respectful and loving prince attacking his own father while dark oreo she was so young and most likey didn't understand what was happening

then again i will admit dark cacao wasn't the best father i rememeber golden cheese always jumping straight onto him about that and made sure it went through his head

"well not long ago dark choco came back trying to kill me again he failed and while we were fighting dark oreo came out of nowhere and yelled at me for how terrible of a father i was to them"

i was in shock at what dark cacao just said so was hollyberry

dark cacao explained the best he could on what had happened the other week

from what me and hollyberry was getting dark choco was in the cookies of darkness and attacked the dark cacao kingdom one of them was able to rise the licorice sea and dark oreo had followed them in serect up to the point

and then one of them brought a curse apon dark cacao turning him into a beast but gingerbrave and his team was able to calm dark cacao down and get rid of the beast inside of him

right after that from what dark cacao heard dark choco finally was able to get rid of that cursed sword and left it there and went off into the forest but dark oreo and another cookie ran off after him

"that all happened my old friend?"

hollyberry asked patting dark cacao's back trying to comfort him 

"yes it all happened within four hours and in a way its all my fault if i just had been a better father they would not hate me and leave the kingdom"

dark cacao looked like he was in the verge of tears but was trying his hardest to hold the tears in i sat down next to him and gave him a pat on the back along with hollyberry cookie

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