15 years later(final chapter)

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Dark oreo's pov:

"and that is how me and your uncle reunited"

i closed the certain part of my jounral and looked at my ten year old daughter who looked amazed

today was the 15 year anniversary of when me and my brother reunited and things for sure have changed

dark choco and red velvet had three daughters chess choco twins who are about twenty now since they got adopted not long after there wedding and velvet choco who is about 15 years old

dark choco was now 52 years old and im 33 years old now and married to banana cream cookie and had a daughter banana choco cookie i loved my daughter too death

we haven't seen our father again but the cookies of darkness were defeated and they brought back white lily cookie so thats good

and for the rest?

gingerbrave and his team all of them became super epics due to there actions and defeating dark enchantress cookie well all of them expect custard who became the next ruler of the vanilla kingdom thankfully by now he had stopped with the whole bragging about being a king thing and now knows how to be an actual king and he is a very good one

from what we heard dark cacao ended up creating a new child a few years before i reunited with dark choco and hid her and he named her dark caramel cookie and she is now the new ruler of the dark cacao kingdom its nice knowing we have a sister but she should never know about us for good reasons

pure vanilla and white lily ended up having a daughter named white gardenia cookie that took over white lilies garden

so now we have new ancients

custard cookie,dark caramel cookie,white gardenia cookie,cheese cracker cookie and princess cookie

for pomergranted cookie and affagoto cookie they were sent to a special prison were the crystal could not be broken and only the ancients could get through it

licorice adopted posion mushroom who was in collage now and licorice became a powerful wizard who used his powers for the good

rainbow cookie didn't want to get married or have kids but she went to school for a medical degree and for a few years was obstetrician but went back to school to be a therpaist instead and enjoys it alot

 and rosebush and buttercup cookie got married and had two kids berry fruit cookie and butterose cookie

do i think this is the end? maybe it is there is no point of our father trying to come find us now we are adults all three of us dark choco is 53 im 33 and from what i know dark caramel is 21 years old

he managed to hid dark caramel for about 11 years before he revealved her makes me wonder where she was 15 years back before when we reunited with our father during the dark cacao kingdom attack

if anything i dont know if dark caramal even knows about us and in a good way it should stay like that

ive seen photos of her she looks like all of us dark brown skin,black hair with white streaks and like always the only thing different about her is that her eyes are blue

from what i could also tell dark cacao became somewhat of a better father but still from what i heard from gingerbrave who i somehow befriended and he agreed to keep quiet he still had somewhat of the same mindset and for some reason wont let dark caramel cookie get married

i was worried about that at first but the gingerbrave said that dark caramel didn't put up with it and was quick to shut him up

maybe one day ill meet dark caramel with dark choco because well something does tell me she will find out about us and i also hope that she makes sure father doesn't try and act like he is still the ruler of the dark cacao kingdom because we all know he isn't atleast anymore

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