Here after ten years (chapter 9)

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This time skips two days after the last chapter and this is will cotain alot of chapter 13:snow on the black wall so check it out so this chapter will make a bit more sense

Dark choco pov:

after two days of travelling we finally made it to the dark cacao kingdom it had been so long since i have seen this kingdom

"well dark choco show us the way to get in without getting caught"

pomegranate cookie said the moment she saw the guarded gate through the tree's

"follow me"

i lead them to a area in the forest with a bunch of trees one had a little makeshift bridge me and oreo made when we were younger and wanted to sneak out of the citadel

we all went across it entering the dark cacao kingdom licorice helping posion mushroom

"alright you all remember master's plan break into the citadel and dark choco will deal with his father with posion mushroom cookie while we get the soul jam"

we all agreed with pomegranate cookie before going to the entrance of the citadel to knock of the gate door before we run and go through another way i knew about

but we saw another cookie there talking to themselves i quickly recognized the cookie it was affogato cookie the cookie who was a bit of a jerk towards caramal arrow and oreo

Affogato pov:

"Ahhh... yes,everything is moving foward like a clockwork confidence in our king has all but dried out."

i said to myself feeling the good feeling of my plan to betray dark cacao coming together

"perhaps i shall expedite my plans,reveal all at once?"

i thought about what i just said for a seconded

"no no...the king is still much too hardy and hale"

i gave myself some more thought about all of this

"things are moving along indeed but something is missing..."

i took another moment to try and figure out what is missing before remembering i was missing something really important a method

"there must be a method to make this kingdom my own in one fell swoop..."

but how would i take this kingdom in one swoop?

i kept trying to think of a way before i heard a female voice i didn't recognize

"what a amusing conspiracy you have concocted"

i turned around to see a cookie with red hair and red eyes with even a red dress how much does this cookie like red!? i thought to myself slowly backing up before she spoke again

"has the kingdom been faring terribly or late?"

i was in kind of shock but was quick to speak up

"Who...?!'re not from around here are you?"

i could tell from her looks that this cookie wasn't from around here but another thing confused me how did she get in here?

"all gates to the citadel are locked shut!how did you get in here?!"

the red cookie smirked a bit before i saw another cookie with grey skin,yellow eyes and blackish blue hair come out of nowhere and another cookie that looked like a child and a purple mushroom?

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