Helping a new friend out (chapter 18)

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Dark oreo pov:

it was around 8:00pm at the night and i was in my room reading my book like i did ever night recently two more ex-cookies of darkness memebers rolled into town and red velevt was actually close to them so there invited to the wedding now

it was only me,dark choco and banana cream in the house red velvet wanted to help vanilla cream at work tonight so they will be back in about an hour 

i heard footsteps and then my bedroom door opened i took a quick look up from my book to see who was in my room it was dark choco

"hey oreo"

dark choco walked over to my bed and sat down on it with me

"hey choco need something?"

i asked putting my bookmark on the page and put my book on my night stand

"no i just want to spend some time with you"

i scooted over a bit so my brother could lay down next to me he happily did

"you exicted about getting married?"

i asked him he smiled at that

"you bet i am i could only imagine how father would react to me getting married to a male"

i giggled at the comment father was pretty old school and he never said anything about hating gay cookies but i dont think he would be too happy about dark choco marrying a male

"well if i gotta be honest i dont think he would approve of banana cream cookie too"

i heard dark choco chuckled before his smiled faded

"hey oreo i dont know if i told you this but father..."

"let me guess he wanted to rather force me not to date any cookie or force me into a arranged marriage"

i guess honestly the first one sounded more like father if anything else the arranged marriage would be more for my brother if we still lived in the kingdom

"yeah he wanted to put you into a arranged marriage to keep the bloodline going same for me put of course i didn't like the idea of that but i kept silent"

"knew it"

i wasn't to suprised at this like i said before father was pretty old school and if it was my brother's choice as long as we were happy we could date who we wanted if anything my brother was more like a dad to me then my own father

"hey oreo is there any wizard or magic jobs in this town?"

i turned to him why would he want to know that his skill type is charge

"yeah there is about five jobs for wizards or magic but why do you want to know? your skill type is charge"

"oh it isn't for me its for licorice cookie he wanted to know"

well that made more sense now

"oh ok ill show him tomorrow"

we talked for a bit more about the houses and the possible future since well we both knew well that the that was probably not the last time we are gonna see our father since well i think he would like some words with me after what i said towards him

eventually i began to feel tired 

"you getting tired oreo?"


"ok ill leave now"

dark choco got up from my bed giving me a kiss on the forehead and put my blanket over me then headed out of my room turning off the lights and closing the door

i quickly fell asleep just as i heard the front door open i knew i had stuff to do tomorrow so i needed the rest

in the morning

i woke up in the morning before everyone else i looked at my alarm clock and it was 8:55 am i got up and got ready i wasn't too hungry this morning and plus i had work to do and help licorice out with a job

i grabbed some paper and wrote a note stating that i have early work to do so i wont be there for breakfast

i headed out the front door where i actually saw licorice and posion mushroom cookie outisde

"oh hey licorice cookie"

he looked up at me in confusion

"oh hey...uh whats your name again?"

"im dark oreo cookie and if you want i can show you the wizard and magic jobs around here"

"yes please"

he got up with posion mushroom cookie and began to follow me into town

"so what type of wizard are you?"

i asked so i can lead him into the right wizard job for what type of wizard he was

"oh well i usually work with potion's and summoning my  little minions"

"ok follow me"

he began to follow me again and we made into the shop for wizards

"ok ill be fine on my own now"

i left him infront of the shop and made my way into the forest to start my work i began to look around for the big cake wolves to make sure they didn't make there way into the village

i was glad im not the only one that do this job there is about 3 other cookies that go in other parts of the forest so it will be faster and easier to keep the wild life at bay

i saw a few big cake wolves and i pulled out my sword and went towards them to get rid of them not because i hate them but we can't have the attacking the villagers

Dark choco pov:

my sister wasn't here for breakfast from what i know she had to work early today so she couldn't make it for breakfast sadly i decided after breakfast to go take a walk

i saw licorice and posion mushroom in the distance licorice seemed extremely happy about something

"hey licorice what are you so happy about?"

licorice happily turned towards me

"well i got a job as a wizard here!"

"oh thats nice"

im guessing licorice cookie found one of the wizard jobs around here and what skill he knew it was enough to get him the job im glad for him too so he can raise posion mushroom cookie without any problem

we chatted for a bit more before i countined with my walk i could see my sister in the distance walking around the forest doing her job

my wedding was coming up soon and i was pretty exicted for it

nothing was going bad anymore atleast for now

these chapters are getting shorter and shorter and i think at this point im gonna end the book soon because well i cant keep doing this 

its not fun writing anymore and im not even into cookie run kingdom anymore

have a good day/night

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