Golden cheese cookie (chapter 15)

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Pure vanilla pov:

well it was now the next morning me,hollyberry and dark cacao had breakfast and now were getting ready to head off into the napoleon forest to try and find golden cheese cookie

i finally finished packing some spare clothes just in case,some snacks and drinks and some medical supplies i could heal everyone but i still liked bringing medical supplies just in case

i went into the hall way to wait for hollyberry and dark cacao it seemed that i was the first one to finish packing there bag and was now waiting for the other two

dark cacao came out of the guest room he looked a bit tired i guess he had a rough night i do recall last night we did talk about his kids and he was mostly silent

i guess his kids are on his mind at the moment and that all he is worried about i am glad he is so far on the right path and is giving himself and his children time to heal from the attack of the dark cacao kingdom and the wall being destoryed

i really wish i was there and could have helped calm dark choco down and maybe talked to him but i was too busy helping the vanilla kingdom out after the cookie of darkness attacked it

finally hollyberry cookie came out and started talking to dark cacao as we started to head out of the vanilla kingdom all the villagers were telling us good luck and hoping we would be able to find golden cheese i ordered last night that black rasian told the other villagers where me and the other ancients would be heading

but after we find golden cheese i am not traveling for awhile but the only reason i was doing this was to find golden cheese and restore her kingdom and she could help us find the dark choco and dark oreo when the time came

it didn't take long to find the napoleon forest where gingerbrave and his team were waiting luckily for us the napoleon forest wasn't far from the vanilla kingdom the forest was beautiful with the icecream swirl trees that were napoleon colored

"hey pure vanilla cookie!"

gingerbrave ran over once he noticed us

"why hello gingerbrave this is the spot where you spot golden cheese?"

"yes it is im pretty sure from the view she was heading towards the cream cake mountains"

the cream cake mountains? they were near golden cheese's kingdom could she have been rebuilding her kingdom if so why haven't she came out to any of us yet? was she hiding from something or hiding something herself

we all began to walk into the napoleon forest to find our way into the cream cake mounatins to hopefully find golden cheese cookie

the whole time everyone was pretty silent even though napoleon forest was beautiful alot of wild animals roamed around here all the time and there was no way around the napoleon forest

before the whole war golden cheese usually got rid the animals around here so they wouldn't come in her kingdom and kill the birds and also so i could easily get to her kingdom without having to worry about the animals attacking me

luckily it only took about thirty mintues to go through the napoleon forest and now exit it i still remembered the way to the golden cheese kingdom and we all agreed to check the golden cheese kingdom to see if golden cheese was there

when we entered the golden cheese king though we were all grossed and disgusted out

the kingdom looked abandoned and everywhere were bird skeltons i dont know how the birds dyed but it was a sad sight

"oh my! these poor birds there all dead..."

strawberry cookie nearly cried at the sight at the bird skelton's gingerbrave went over to strawberry cookie and hugged her

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