only three left (chapter 16)

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no ones pov:

pomegranate cookie made her way towards the tower of chaos where the rest were waiting for her report 

licorice looked a bit off about this but stayed silent

"well what do you have?"

dark enchantress asked sitting up from her throne

"golden cheese cookie has been found she has a daughter named cheese cracker cookie and is currently rebuilding her kingdom"

pomegranate quickly answered bowing down to dark enchantress cookie who grinned at the news

"i might plan to attack her kingdom again but even if i don't there will be gaps in the road for them"

they all knew what dark enchantress was talking about white lily cookie only the cookies of darkness knew what truly happened to white lily cookie

dark enchantress and pomegranate cookie began to talk about the plan to maybe attack the golden cheese kingdom again

licorice got up and left to go towards his and posion mushroom's room

ever since dark choco and red velvet left the cookies of darkness licorice had found being evil not so fun anymore for some reason he remembered his childhood dream to become a wizard but was picked on for it so he turned to black magic

but now days he realized how much dark enchantress didn't care for him and was never pleased with his work and how cold she was towards posion mushroom who only joined because they didn't have a home

licorice entered the room where posion mushroom was sleeping peacefully licorice cookie grabbed onto a black backpack with a big skull on it and a grey suitcase big enough to pack his books and stuff for magic and began to pack it up

he packed his clothes in the black backpack and all his books and magic stuff in the grey suitcase it luckily didn't take long to pack it all up along with a blank and his scythe 

he turned towards posion mushroom's side of the room and woke them up

"posion mushroom! wake up"

licorice shook the young cookie awake

"licoriceee yayyy"

"this is no time for talk pack your bags we are leaving!"

he picked posion mushroom out of there bed and helped them pack there bags

he grabbed a purple backpack with light purple mushroom's all over it and put posion mushroom's clothes,a bag full of shroomies and some of there toy's along with there purple blanket and stuffed frog

by the time batcat got on licorices shoulder so they could leave dark enchantress entered the room

"now what are you both doing? posion mushroom should be in bed by now!"

licorice cookie went silent for a mintue before finally after so many years spoke up for him and posion mushroom

"we are leaving! im done being evil im done with posion mushroom not getting the love he deserves! we are no longer apart of your stupid team! you never are pleased with me or posion mushroom!"

dark enchantress was shocked at licorice who stood up for himself but if licorice was gonna be like that dark enchantess couldn't give anything to licorice

"then what are you waiting for? GET OUT!"

licorice happily grabbed onto posion mushroom's hand and led him past dark enchantress as they both walked towards the exit not before licorice and pomegranate gave one last glare to eachother

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