a night together (chapter 12)

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Dark oreo and banana cream fluff!

Nobodys pov:

it was long after dinner and since everyone has gone too bed 

well everyone expect two cookies dark oreo and banana cream they wanted to be alone at night just to hang out

why very late a night? well they really had no reason they just liked hanging out very late at night 

banana cream waited in his room for dark oreo the light source in his room was his lamp but he setted it on the lowest setting so if any cookie was using the bathroom in the middle of night to see his lamp on and hear them both and get the wrong idea

banana cream heard the incoming footsteps of his girlfriend coming toward his room and within moments his door opened to reveal the magenta eyed cookie

"hey oreo!"

"hey cream!"

dark oreo made her way in the room and sitting down on her boyfriends bed

dark oreo gave banana cream a nice kiss on the cheek and began to cuddle with him

they both laied down on banana creams bed and cuddled with eachother dark oreo enjoyed how warm banana cream was

"hey oreo?"

dark oreo perked up a bit to see her boyfriend


banana cream took a deep breath before speaking

"well once all of this cool's down after a few months would you like to move out and start are own life?"

dark oreo smiled a bit before placing her hand on banana creams cheek

"of course after all your about to be twenty and im gonna be nineteen soon"

dark oreo brought herself up on banana cream and began to cuddle on his chest

"someone likes cuddling tonight?"

"hey we haven't cuddled in a while!"

banana cream gave a small playful eyeroll towards dark oreo when she said that

"oh please we haven't cuddled in a five days"

"yeah and thats a long time for me!"

dark oreo whined out as she faceplanted her face into banana creams chest

"yeah whatever you say oreo"

banana cream ran in hand through dark oreo's hair to calm her down a bit

dark oreo and banana cream laided there on the comfy bed doing nothing but cuddling dark oreo was very comfortable on were she laided 

it brought back the days when she was younger and the nights she would sneak into her brothers room and cuddle with him

and after she ran away from the kingdom she thought she had lost that comfort forever until she met banana cream and they started dating six months ago she found that nice comfort once again

dark oreo also remembered the day banana cream confessed to her


rainbow cookie and dark oreo were at a flower field together dark oreo had allowed rainbow cookie to put flowers in her hair

they flowers were beautiful colors purple,white,red and pink

"and all done!"

rainbow cookie said grabbing the mirror she brought with her to show dark oreo

"i like it!"

dark oreo heard footsteps coming towards her and rainbow she looked up and saw banana cream at the time just her friend

"hey banana cream!"

dark oreo cookie said waving banana cream over to sit with them

"hey oreo ive gotta tell you something"

dark oreo looked at banana cream confused


banana cream took a deep breath before speaking

"well i think i like you more as a friend do you wanna try and date?"

dark oreo was suprised by this but gave a thought before smiling 

"ok ill give you and chance"

banana cream smiled wide before hugging dark oreo she hugged back with happiness back at the dark cacao kingdom having a boyfriend or girlfriend was out of the question

but now she is no longer a princess and is an adult so she can do what she wants

End of flashback

"hey oreo?"

"yes cream?"

"look this may make you a bit uneasy but do you have any good memories with your father?"

dark oreo flinched a bit at the question she was given dark oreo had to take a moment to try and think of any good memories

"well...the only good memory i have with my father is when we all would look over our kingdom and pride thats the only good memory with me and my brother alone with him"

banana cream had a sad look on his face

"wow he really was that bad..."

"yeah but its kinda ok back at the dark cacao kingdom i gave him a piece of my mind and he finally opened his blind eyes"

dark oreo giggled quietly at the last part dark oreo knew she wasn't wrong just her yelling at him put dark cacao in his place

"yeah oreo you were pretty powerful back there"

"why thank you love~"

dark oreo teased laying her head down all the way on banana cream chest resting on it

"come on now if your brother hears that he is gonna get the wrong idea and kill me rather tonight or in the morning either way im not ready to die and i for sure dont wanna die to an angry older brother"

dark oreo struggled to hold her laughter to that if dark oreo had to be honest it would be pretty funny to see dark choco chasing banana cream around the house because dark choco ended up walking in on the two "doing it" together

"honestly if dark choco started to chase you around the house i think i would get a good laugh from it"

"rather that or you would start chasing me too"

dark oreo giggled again wrapping her arms around banana cream

"yeah or that..."

"getting tired now are we?"

dark oreo nodded a bit 

"you can stay in my room tonight"

banana cream grabbed on the cream yellow colored blanket pulling it over himself and dark oreo and giving dark oreo a kiss on the forehead

"goodnight oreo"

"goodnight cream"

and with those last words they both fell asleep cuddling with eachother with moonlight giving them the best of dreams they could ask for...


im gonna be honest now i had no idea what to do with this chapter and also if you want you may give me ideas for chapters until the drama starts all over again

and remember tomorrow is pride month so i have a little suprise for you guys for pride month

thats actually all i have to say 

have a good day/night

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