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No man could accept his wife hanging out with others. Even if he didn't love this person at all, he would still feel his dignity being insulted, and it was even more unforgivable for such a thing to happen to the emperor.

This was an obvious provocation.

Li Ying's expression became ice cold.

In the Full Moon Pavilion, a light green wide sleeve suddenly swept across the table, tossing off everything there. A porcelain cup fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

Ning Rou was furious: "He brought him back again!!"

"Concubine Ning, please calm your anger."

"How can I calm down?!" Concubine Ning's cheeks flushed with anger, her hair ornaments shaking: "Yun Qingci openly led his people into our palace. His Majesty didn't scold him. He stabbed His Majesty in front of everyone. His Majesty didn't pursue it. When he made His Majesty go unconscious, he only knocked his forehead..."

When she mentioned it, she couldn't help getting furious: "This is the Forbidden City. Yun Qingci was so overbearing, and His Majesty just knocked his forehead!"

"Didn't you all say that Yun Qingci would definitely not be able to turn back this time? Didn't you all say that this time he would definitely be abolished? Why was he picked up by the ceremonial cortege instead?!"

She hissed like a wild cat, her jealousy overflowing: "That was the Son of Heaven's magnificent cortege, unparalleled in glory, unprecedented in history! Why was it for Yun Qingci? Why should it be him?!"

She kicked the table, her heart beating madly with anger. As she took two steps forward, she suddenly felt dizzy. The Momo (high positioned palace lady servant) beside her hurriedly stepped forward to support her. She also felt puzzled and depressed, and could only say: "There is Prime Minister Yun standing behind him, and Prince Qin from the southwest is his maternal grandfather. And the Shuofang envoy controls the military... It is natural for His Majesty to be cautious."

"Do you really think he was just cautious?" Ning Rou's eyes were filled with tears. She couldn't hide how suffocated she felt, stroking her chest: "If His Majesty really wanted to kill him, he could've accused him of an assassination attempt. Even if he were killed on the spot, neither Yun nor Qin nor Xiao family would have dared to say anything. It was Yun Qingci's fault from the beginning."

She wailed: "Even if His Majesty didn't want to kill him, he could propose peaceful separation and drive him out of the Forbidden City. If it didn't work, just send an escort to pick him up. Why bother to mobilize the crowd and drive the ceremonial cortege in person? What was His Majesty doing? He clearly wanted to dispel the rumors of the Lord Empress being abolished and to coax Yun Qing to be happy!"

"But His Majesty did want to abolish the Lord Empress that day and even confiscated his escort... How could he suddenly change his mind again?"

Ning Rou gasped with difficulty and said, "I don't know, I just know that Yun Qingci has returned to the palace again. I'm afraid he won't let me go... That lunatic, if His Majesty allows him to go wild like this, he will definitely kill everyone in the palace who is close to His Majesty."

Momo's face changed slightly, and she asked cautiously: "Then how should we act?"

"How to act?" Ning Rou gnashed her teeth and said viciously: "Keep our tail between our legs and hide as long as we can hide."

"Not necessarily." Momo thought for a moment and said softly: "You have forgotten that in the past two years, His Majesty got very tired of him. The ceremonial cortege might be only a spectacle for the outsiders to see. Even if he did return to the palace... His Majesty would definitely target him secretly, and his life probably won't be better than ours."

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