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Only Yun Qingci and Ruan Lian were left in Chaoyang Palace.

Previously, Yun Qing used to be insensitive, and whenever his spy reported that Li Ying was looking for someone to play music, he immediately rushed forward. Li Ying disliked him for interfering with his entertainment, but Yun Qingci thought that he was about to be seduced and often made trouble.

But in fact, if you want to tie a man, how can you always drive others away?

As soon as the door was closed, Ruan Lian sat in front of the qin, with his fingers plucking the strings lightly, and Yun Qingci suddenly felt a bit of pleasure.

The snow was falling outside the window and the moon was full in the sky. There was a beautiful man to accompany him and beautiful sounds to please his ears. If that was not a reason to be happy, then what was?

Recalling his past actions at this moment, he really felt out of his mind and incomprehensible.

Yun Qingci lifted off his robe slightly and sat down directly beside Ruan Lian who raised his eyelashes and glanced at him. He silently moved aside and pushed the qin towards Yun Qingci, saying, "Has Your Majesty touched an instrument before?"

Yun Qingci nodded. Even without his previous life, he was a young master of a noble family. Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting were all basic arts. Qin Feiruo taught him wholeheartedly, and he had never slackened in this regard.

"Then, Lord Empress, what kind of music do you want to learn?"

Yun Qingci thought for a while and said, "Fine time, beautiful scenery?"

'Fine time, beautiful scenery' was always a favorite song of lovers. When he said that, Ruan Lian was speechless for a while.

For a moment, he looked at Yun Qingci helplessly and said, "Lord Empress, do you have something against this little one?"

Yun Qingci raised his face to look at him, blinked, and said, "Why do you say that?"

He just thought that this song was right for tonight, and he didn't know that it had another meaning in the eyes of music students.

"...His Majesty has already punished this little one because Lord Empress gave this little one an extra look," Ruan Lian said slowly: "Moreover, he warned us not to tell Lord Empress."

Yun Qingci's face sank slightly.

He really didn't know anything about this matter, and Yinxi and Jin Huan dared to hide it from him.

He got up abruptly, but his hand was suddenly grasped. Ruan Lian looked thin and weak, but his strength was significant. Yun Qingci was forced to sit down, and his eyes turned cold.

As if he had just realized what he had done, Ruan Lian withdrew his hand and said, "I beg Lord Empress to pretend not to know anything. This little one doesn't dare to bother Lord Empress."

Yun Qingci paused.

He sat down beside Ruan Lian again, frowned slightly and said, "I understand your worries, don't be afraid. Since I dare to make you stay, of course, I can protect you."

He patted Ruan Lian on the shoulder and said, "Just teach me."

"Then, let's change the tune?"

Yun Qingci was not very happy and said unwillingly: "To what?"

"Snow in Yangchun?"


Ruan Lian thought for a while and said, "What does Lord Empress want to hear?"

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