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Li Ying looked at the tokens carefully, as if examining one bargaining chip after another.

Jiangshan Palace was silent.

In an instant, there were a lot of thoughts in Liu Ziru's mind.

The Son of Heaven did not refuse to answer his questions, nor did he stare at him to intimidate Liu Ziru into not asking questions that shouldn't be asked. That meant Li Ying's trust in him was absolute.

It made Liu Ziru's heart settle down immediately.

He couldn't help it and asked again: "How did you learn this craft?"

"He always wants to eat it." Another token was thrown into the brazier, and Li Ying slowly said, "I thought that in the future, when the dust settles, I will make it for him."

"Eight years later, Lord Empress..." When Liu Ziru said it, he felt his scalp numb, and he couldn't help but wonder:  "Could it be..."

"I killed him." Li Ying's Adam's apple moved slightly as he said, "I was the one who killed him."

Liu Ziru suddenly understood why Li Ying woke up so crazy that day, and why the Lord Empress became so unsympathetic.

How cruel was it that the Heaven gave His Majesty a chance to start over, but it had to happen that the Lord Empress also started over.

If only one person had come from eight years later......

Liu Ziru let out a soft sigh and said, "That fresh meat puff pastry, the kitchen hasn't heard of it. Today, you took the initiative to send it – now Lord Empress will definitely find out."

"He believes me," Li Ying said, his expression both sad and happy: "He always felt that as long as I was drunk, I would not lie."

Liu Ziru's heart clenched.

"...I didn't lie," Li Ying said. "But I've exposed myself."

"He trusts me so much, he assumed that I was too drunk to think clearly and would just follow his words and give him answers." He gazed at the wooden token in his hand and said: "As soon as he asks again, I'll be wrong no matter what I say."

He really didn't come from eight years later, he came from twenty years later.

He should not have known what Yun Qingci was asking about, but being drunk, he could not lie and could only follow his words. Whatever he said, Yun Qingci believed it, but Yun Qingci always had to get to the bottom of things. Even if he was reborn, he would definitely inquire again until his suspicions were confirmed.

Like later, when Yun Qingci sat on him and asked about Concubine Ning.

As long as Yun Qingci asked the same question again when Li Ying was sober, he would know the truth.

If Li Ying said that he didn't know what it meant, Yun Qingci would understand that the answer he gave when he was drunk was a conditioned reflex.

In other words, he would realize that Li Ying understood his questions when he was drunk.

And when he was sober, he had no right to say no.

So, giving him the puff pastry was just to please him.

The wooden tokens were thrown into the brazier one after another, and the flames were swift and violent, rising almost a foot high.

When all the tokens burned down, Li Ying raised his head and said, "These people will be compensated and released from the palace."

This was a dismissal of the harem!

Liu Ziru realized that when the emperor was looking at these tokens, he was probably measuring the power behind each concubine. He was from the future and had been sitting on the throne for so many years, so he was cautious. Even if he dismissed the harem, he had to confirm that he could control these families.

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