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Yun Qingci was quite satisfied with Li Ying now. No matter what he demanded, Li Ying would try his best to satisfy him. Hugs and kisses that used to be his favorites before were almost commonplace things nowadays.

Because of Li Heng's readiness to please, Yun Qingci gradually became more willing to care about this child. After all, no one disliked well-behaved and cute children.

He began to come to Jiangshan Palace every day, under the pretext of sharing the burden of childcare with Li Ying. Actually, he was admiring the beauty of his husband while watching the adorable little dumpling, and from time to time he would secretly eat some tofu.

Before he was reborn, he also thought about waiting for Li Ying to adopt someone's child; even if he didn't like it, he would help him raise the child well, but he never thought that a child could be so obedient and so comfortable to raise.

Yun Qingci felt very happy, and great satisfaction overflowed his heart.

But in this kind of life, sometimes there would be a little bit of unhappiness, and that was Li Ying's nightmares.

Yun Qingci found out that Li Ying still had nightmares a month later after returning to the palace. He and Li Ying always liked to snuggle very close when they slept, so they could feel every movement of each other.

At first, he only felt a scratch on his arm, the pain was transmitted to his brain and he woke up in a daze. He noticed that Li Ying's face did not look right but before he could say anything, Li Ying had already woken up sweating profusely.

No matter how long it took, he still couldn't help being frightened by Li Ying's black hole-like eyes when he woke up from his nightmare.

He reacted immediately and stretched out his hand to cover his eyes.

The softness of his palm relieved Li Ying's discomfort almost instantly.

"Close your eyes."

Li Ying breathed somewhat heavily. His eyelashes brushed across Yun Qingci's palm, and he closed his eyes obediently.

Yun Qingci turned to him, moved his palm away and gently helped him press his thudding temples. Because he just woke up, his voice had a unique ambiguity, and it had a different kind of warmth in Li Ying's ears.

"Nightmares again?"


"Still that dream?" He saw Li Ying's eyelashes flicker and said, "Don't open your eyes."

Li Ying's fingers clenched and he said hoarsely: "Yes."

Yun Qingci pursed his mouth, kissed him on the lips and said, "I'm fine now, you can feel it, right?"

"En," Li Ying replied, but the skin between his eyebrows was pulsing faintly. Yun Qingci's fingers brushed over his eyebrows. The pads of his fingers were soft and powerful, and he pressed carefully on the center of Li Ying's eyebrows, saying, "I have forgiven you, don't think about it anymore."

Yun Qingci would take care of him like this before, and when he was irritable because of state affairs, he would also help him relieve his discomfort.

Even if he had to do it all over again, Li Ying would still feel pain. No matter what, he had failed Yun Qingci. Even if he had to pay more, Yun Qingci had been killed by him once.

Yun Qingci watched his dark eyelashes moisten, and he rubbed the tip of his nose against Li Ying's, his heart feeling soft and painful for a while: "Well, it's all over, I don't care anymore, why are you still tormenting yourself?"

Li Ying felt more pain in his heart, turned over and pressed him down, burying his face heavily on Yun Qingci's chest.

He held Yun Qingci's waist tightly, while Yun Qingci hugged his head, his palms sliding over Li Ying's long hair, gently and carefully.

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