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She carefully rearranged her demeanor, stepped on the ladder with her embroidered cotton boots and raised the hem of her skirt crossing the threshold.

The sedan chair stopped in the courtyard. Yun Qingci was 'unconscious', Li Ying's clothes were draped over him while he stood patiently by his side, with a caring look.

Feeling that the Empress Dowager was approaching, he turned to her.

When the ceremonial cortege arrived to pick up Yun Qingci that day, the Empress Dowager had noticed that the emperor's eyes were different from those of the past. And now when she saw him, her whole body felt cold.

She chuckled lightly and said, "Why is the emperor making such a big show today?"

"I heard that Royal Mother was in a hurry and that the Lord Empress was unconscious, so I was worried whether there was an assassin at work and sent some escort." Li Ying looked at the Empress Dowager calmly and said, "Seeing that Royal Mother's face is sweaty from her brisk pace, has she been frightened by something?"

Of course, Empress Dowager Zhang couldn't say that she hurried back to give Yun Qingci a small punishment and a big admonishment. Her brother was killed and the position of commander-in-chief was taken away. The Zhang family hated the Yun family now, especially Yun Qingci.

But Li Ying looked like he was protecting her openly and targeting her secretly, so she could only say, "It's because Qingci suddenly lost consciousness and I was in a hurry to bring him back to summon the doctor to check on him. I also gave him my sedan chair."

"Oh?" Li Ying stepped forward and said, "I wonder why Lord Empress suddenly fell ill?" "

His proximity made the Empress Dowager nervous.

The child she had raised was so much taller than her now. When he lowered his gaze to look at her, he had a mighty spirit, like a king over the world, full of heavenly magnificence and great authority.

She suddenly felt scared.

The crown prince who was allowed to grow up with her had become the new emperor, but he should have respected her and feared her like before, and remained grateful to her even though he knew her education of him was somewhat unscrupulous.

After all, she was the Empress Dowager who loved him.

She should have been above him, like a dark cloud, like a clear sky, giving thunder or sending rain, just as she wished.

Empress Dowager Zhang took a step back and said with a forced smile: "Maybe the weather is getting cold, and his old illness relapsed. Ai Jia just greeted him. Unexpectedly, the child said he was dizzy and fainted. It was really worrying."

After she said that, she looked at Yun Qingci with a kind expression on her face.

"It turns out to be like this," Li Ying said, "I thought my mother was angry with the Lord Empress because of my uncle's affairs."

He did not shy away from talking about this matter. The Empress Dowager's complexion immediately turned slightly blue. She tried to endure but still could not hold back and looked at Li Ying, unable to conceal her anger: "You still know that I would be angry? Just because he took Yun Qingci's porcelain, did he deserve to die?!"

"It was more than that," Li Ying said in a soft voice, "I have exhaustive evidence that he once led troops to surround a house of a simple family on the outskirts of the city. He took the girl of the family by force, beat her father to death and buried him hastily. The girl also left the Marquis's Mansion horizontally."

In fact, there were many more, but they happened in the previous life. This extremely serious incident, on the other hand, had occurred during the past few years of supporting the Zhang family to the top.

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