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Li Ying grabbed his hand.

Yun Qingci had never practiced martial arts or held a sword. The skin on the back of his hands was very soft, and his palms were even softer.

These hands should have never touched spring water, but they repeatedly made soup for him. Prime Minister Yun had never tasted Yun Qingci's craftsmanship in his previous life.

The only person fortunate enough to be treated with his undivided attention was Li Ying.

From the first day of marriage, Yun Qingci would make clothes for him, and only for him. But because Li Ying had been loved for too long, he gradually began to feel that he deserved it, and, being busy with the state affairs, he ignored Yun Qingci peacefully.

Yun Qingci's face was still buried against his chest, and after Li Ying squeezed his hands, he obediently stopped moving. The crown on his hair was rubbed askew, and half of his ear exposed between the black strands was glowing bright red.

They say it is easy to change a country, but it is difficult to change one's nature. Yun Qingci personally could testify to it. At first, when he was reborn, he wanted to draw a clear line with Li Ying and treat him indifferently, but then he failed. Right now he absolutely wanted to avoid taking the initiative and stick to Li Ying again just because of his two or three words, and he failed again.

Now that his hand was caught, Yun Qingci wanted it not to count, but at the same time he refused to give up. He secretly decided that Li Ying was obviously the one who took the initiative to seduce him, and he would simply pretend to be a chaste and a strong man when things happened.

As soon as he made up his mind, Li Ying suddenly leaned forward; Yun Qingci's body arched and his hair crown fell on the pillow. He subconsciously held his breath.

Li Ying's thin fingers intertwined into his hair; he held the back of Yun Qingci's head and kissed his lips.

Yun Qingci's love was always too strong, and his hatred was also too strong. When loving Li Ying, he was completely devoted, and when hating him, he felt like evicecrating him and hanging his entrails to dry in the sun.

After Li Ying found out that Yun Qingci was also from the previous life, he felt desperate many times, fearing that in this life, for them to return to the past would be difficult if not impossible. Unless Yun Qingci recovered from the suffering he had experienced, he would never forgive him.

He envisioned many endings for himself and Yun Qingci in this life, and in each one they fought till their last breath.

The candlelight swayed, and the tip of Li Ying's nose rubbed Yun Qingci's cheek, then followed down to his neck.

He came here to love Yun Qingci, not to torture him or cause him pain.

He wanted to learn to love like Yun Qingci had loved him, no matter whether others would understand him or not. He knew that even if the whole world thought he was crazy, Yun Qingci would definitely understand him. But in those days when Yun Qingci was asleep, he was suddenly hit hard.

He discovered that seeing Yun Qingci just lie there, not saying anything, not laughing, was far more painful than cutting his flesh and bones.

He would rather Yun Qingci never look back at him again but live his life healthy, happy and bright.

So he promised his teacher, he promised to let go, and promised to leave.

But Yun Qingci found his way back.

Li Ying's nose brushed Lord Empress's lips and touched his collarbone.

At first, he thought that Yun Qingci refused to let him go because he had not avenged his grievances enough. Only when Yun Qingci told him, he realized that Yun Qingci had gone back to his previous life and seen that putrid him.

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