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Yun Qingci didn't care about him.

It was rare for Li Ying to drink wine, so he had to figure out this matter now. Otherwise, with Li Ying's cautiousness, he didn't know how long it would take before he had another chance.

He never denied Li Ying's abilities, and even though he was reborn, he was hardly an opponent for the reborn Li Ying.

This matter was very important to him; it was about his family and his hatred, he had no way of just letting it go.

"I do, I remember." Li Ying's forehead was covered in cold sweat, as he slowly said, "Ah Ci, it hurts, my head hurts."

He would have a headache after drinking wine, and the more he drank, the more painful it would be.

Yun Qingci only felt that the last layer of the window paper was about to be pierced. He grabbed Li Ying even tighter, his breathing hitched: "Li Ying, are you from eight years later?"

Li Ying closed his eyes heavily.

His expression was painful and stressed, as if he was thinking hard for a long time, before he said in a dumb voice: "No, Ah Ci, no."

Yun Qingci's hands suddenly loosened.

Liu Ziru only saw him approach Li Ying and ask something, then suddenly and inexplicably this sentence came, and he let out his breath, as if discovering some secret.

But before he had time to think more, he stepped forward a few steps and said, "Lord Empress, you may not know this, but His Majesty has often had headaches recently. He already went to the Imperial Hospital for acupuncture a few times. I think His Majesty's headache is definitely not a fake."

Yun Qingci nodded.

Of course he knew that Li Ying was not faking.

Moreover, he just asked Li Ying very plainly whether he had seen him after his jump from the tower. He didn't think that Li Ying in his previous life would suddenly have a headache because of the mention of his corpse. Since he dared to kill him, wouldn't he dare to face him?

Besides, Li Ying, who was drunk, would never lie.

Since he said he was not from eight years later, it must be so.

Why would he have a headache at this moment?

Yun Qingci frowned, looking at Li Ying's painfully sweat-drenched appearance, but in the end he stood up and said, "Summon the Imperial Doctor to come and see."

Seeing him walk towards the screen, Liu Ziru felt his heart twitch and said, "Lord Empress."

Yun Qingci turned to look at him.

He was really a person who dared to love and hate. When he loved, he was crazy, and when he let go, he was calm and gentle. Liu Ziru sighed and said, "Please, Lord Empress allow His Majesty to stay here tonight."

"Okay." Seeing Li Ying in this state, letting him sleep here was the only way. Yun Qingci said, "Help him in first."

Yinxi and Jin Huan stepped forward and helped Li Ying, who was in pain, to the bed.

Liu Ziru looked at Yun Qingci who sat aside and said, "What are you doing in a daze? Take off his clothes, do you want him to sleep like this?"

Liu Ziru: "..."

Didn't you do this kind of thing yourself before?

Treated as a father, a mother, a cow and a horse, Liu Ziru accepted his fate and went to undress Li Ying but was grabbed by his arm and thrown away heavily.

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