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The moon was curved like a hook.

On the other side, far away, someone emaciated to the bones entered the underground palace, holding a crimson lamp.

Under the curved moon, in Jiangshan Palace, two people were talking by the candlelight.

Li Ying was indeed sincere enough this time.

Yun Qingci thought for a moment and said, "Tell me all your secrets, so that I can believe you."

Li Ying panted slightly and leaned on the pillow, his hair already wet with cold sweat.

"...I did think you were troublesome. You were overbearing and unpredictable, and extremely paranoid. In some ways, I did have a problem with you."

"But I never meant for you... well." He turned to his side and closed his eyes: "I never meant for you to die."

Yun Qingci believed it.

It was true that Li Ying did not want to kill him, but it was true that he thought him troublesome, it was true that he rejected him, it was true that he stayed away from him, and of course, it was true that he loved him.

Yun Qingci lay down beside him and recalled Li Ying's words very seriously. In fact, all these incidents were related to each other. Back then, he made that mess, which allowed his father and Li Ying to overcome their ruler-subordinate routine, which led to the later sacrifice of his eldest brother and his father revealing his identity to Li Ying.

It was also because of this that it was established there were spies planted in Shangyang, and following this line of enquiry, the matter of the Zhang family was investigated. His father talked to Li Ying about his suspicions, and at the same time made Li Ying understand that Empress Dowager Zhang probably was not his biological mother. And Yun Qingci, of course, did not believe Li Ying's half-hearted suspicions.

During the war on the frontier, Li Ying really was extremely busy for a long time, and it was only when Yun Qingci delivered the meal to him that he remembered that he had not eaten.

Therefore, the affairs of the Zhang family were put on hold, the affairs of the harem were put on hold, and the investigation of the truth about his origin was also put on hold. He claimed that he was trying to keep those palace concubines out of Yun Qingci's way, but in fact, in his heart, he hoped that Yun Qingci would not bother him.

Just let them play by themselves in the harem.

Yun Qingci couldn't help laughing, and his thin white fingers subconsciously covered his lips.

The thing was Yun Qingci was not a nice person to deal with. If he felt he was targeted and he knew he did something wrong, so be it. But if he didn't think he did anything wrong, then he would definitely retaliate in every possible way.

Therefore, when Li Ying came to his palace in his free time, Yun Qingci would keep provoking him.

He glanced at Li Ying, then reached out and held his hand.

At the moment when Yun Qingci touched him, the pain suddenly receded.

Li Ying was startled for a moment, then turned to look at Yun Qingci.

"How do you explain the matter with the Qing Division?"

"One thing was that there was not enough manpower." Li Ying looked miserable. "Another... Zhang Shixue knew very well that you had the Qing Division in your hands and expected me to get it back."

Yun Qingci didn't ask any more questions.

He was excluded from all plans, from beginning to end.

It couldn't help but make Yun Qingci start reflecting: "In my previous life, was I really that bad a human being?"

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