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The palm of his hand was placed on Yun Qingci's foot. Such close contact effectively relieved the pain in his body, and Li Ying fell asleep almost instantly.

When Yun Qingci noticed that his breathing had calmed down, he glared at Li Ying holding his foot. But as soon as he drew it back, Li Ying's brow immediately wrinkled up and his steady breathing became chaotic.

Yun Qingci: "..."

Did this guy do it on purpose?

He completely pulled his feet back, got up and looked at his eldest brother again. The man hadn't woken up yet. The doctor was treating the wounds all over his body. Seeing that he couldn't help, Yun Qingci came back again.

Li Ying on the couch had already turned his back and his tall body curled up silently.

Yun Qingci stood for a moment, got back on the couch and kicked him hesitantly: "Li Ying?"

Li Ying seemed to wake up: "Huh?"

"If you are not feeling well, call the doctor to take a look."


"Oh, then go to sleep."

Li Ying did not answer again.

Yun Qingci couldn't sleep, so he sat at the head of the bed and flipped through a book. A few pages later, Li Ying, seemingly unconscious, rolled over towards him and put his fingers on his leg.

Then he fell asleep again.

Yun Qingci called him a few times, but Li Ying remained motionless; this time he really fell asleep.

He wanted to move away, but when he saw the green shadows under Li Ying's eyes, he let go of this thought.

Forget it, Yun Qingci thought blankly. This is only for bringing his eldest brother back.

Li Ying slept till the sky was bright, and when he woke up, Yun Qingci lay beside him. Their breaths merged, and his delicate, flawless face was exactly as he remembered.

Li Ying raised his hand, and his fingertips brushed over the side of Yun Qingci's face.

With a long-awaited ease and comfort, he withdrew his hand, gently rested his chin on the Lord Empress's head and closed his eyes.

Yun Qingci was not awakened by his movements. Even if he denied it a thousand times in his heart, his body was accustomed to Li Ying's closeness.

Li Ying didn't stay for long. He knew that when Yun Qingci woke up, he would definitely speak ill of him again, so he released Yun Qingci by himself and got off the bed couch.

By the time Yun Qingci woke up, Li Ying had already left.

He dressed up and went out. Under the blooming peach tree, a thin, bony man was sitting in a wooden wheelchair, his eyes closed, as if intoxicated by the soft spring breeze.

Yun Qingci walked towards him a few steps, his eyes lighting up: "Big brother."

Yun Qingji turned his head to him, his expression slightly startled, and smiled: "Is it... Ah Ci?"

They had never met before, and they were more than ten years apart, so they were a little reserved with each other. Yun Qingci sat down opposite him and said, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I have. His Majesty arranged for a tonic soup to be brought from the imperial dining room."

Yun Qingci nodded and said, "Should we get father to come?"

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