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Yun Qingci's cheeks were red, and when he was carried out of the restaurant, he faintly heard someone talking.

"I heard that His Majesty dismissed the harem and beat up all the concubines. Now those families are scared to death."

"Could it be Lord Empress Yun again..."

"Lord Empress Yun is in the process of separating with His Majesty, how can he have time for that?"

"What's the matter? Didn't he stalk His Majesty before?"

"Don't you know about the Old Marquis killing his own son, Our Majesty's uncle, some time ago? Our Majesty seems like a different person now, so the Lord Empress might be scared ......"

The voices faded as Yun Qingci left the building. The sun shone warmly on his face. He yawned and said, "Sleepy."

"What have you been doing the whole day that you think you're okay with being sleepy?"

"I'm full, so I'm sleepy..." Yun Qingci hummed, provoking a few jeers.

When they got into the carriage, his second brother and father sat together, and Yun Qingci laid down across their laps, dazed by the bumps of the carriage.

After returning to the Prime Minister's Mansion, he got up obediently and walked in swaying slightly.

As soon as he entered the door, Steward Ding immediately ran up and whispered something in Prime Minister Yun's ear. Yun Qingci was helped into his small courtyard, overwhelmed by the strength of the wine, and fell asleep.

He slept until the night but he didn't dream, and he had a headache when he woke up.

Yinxi stepped forward and wiped his face with a handkerchief, whispering, "The Master is outside."

Yun Qingci didn't want to move: "What is he doing outside, it's warm in the room, let him in."

Yinxi went out and invited Prime Minister Yun in. As soon as his old father entered the door, he said, "I saw you sleeping soundly just now, so I didn't want to bother you."

"What's the matter?"

"Secretary Han came to me just now and asked me about the concubines being beaten and sent back. I heard that you prepared generous gifts to see them off?"

"...He beat his women, what does it have to do with me, why would I see them off?"

Prime Minister Yun sighed and said, "That seems to be His Majesty's doing but he wanted to give you the credit."

Yun Qingci rolled his eyes: "What's wrong with him? He ignored me when I was clinging to him, but now that I'm ignoring him, he's working for my reputation."

"Now there are some rumors in the city that His Majesty's personality changed and he scared you... That's good. The people who said you were overbearing before now changed their words. They say someone created rumors to deliberately damage your reputation."

Yun Qingci was a little depressed: "I wasn't that bad before."

"Of course father believes you." Prime Minister Yun said, "I'm telling you this because I want to ask you what you think. His Majesty is desperate now and doesn't even care about his reputation. How can he let you separate peacefully?"

Yun Qingci thought for a while and said, "If the people below are talking like this, can't you arrest them and beat them up?"

"There is obviously someone behind them provoking these rumors. His Majesty could have taken care of it but he obviously doesn't bother."

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