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Muichiro pov:
I was walking down the hall in the butterfly estate because I want to spent my time with my omega...I then sees a girl I forgot her name so I called her blue butterfly girl doing something ,I then approach and ask where is Tanjiro?She said that Tanjiro and his friends went somewhere early in the morning.I then thank her and then start to walk out in the butterfly estate,I then call my crow and told him to find Tanjiro and his friends and he quickly agree and then start to find them...
10 minutes later my crow flew up to me and told me that they where going back here at the estate and he also told me that I should stay here they are not far from the estate,so I just agree and went to Tanjiro's room just waiting for him I was looking around in his room when my eyes sees a book with a name on it.It says "Cure" I was curious so I then open the book and start to read they where a lot of ingredients like " cure for sick people" or "Injuries" and etc. I guess Tanjiro know how to cure some other disease-I said to my self while reading the book then I was shock that he can also cure a poison people like from our master
I might ask him- I said.I then close the book and lay down on Tanjiro bed....I then heard the door open revealing Tanjiro. He was sweating
From his training...He then close the door and look at me.-



Muichiro:I want a hug Tanjiro~
(While walking towards Tanjiro)

Tanjiro:Maybe later chiro-san-I have to change my clothes.

Muichiro:fine(with a smile)

None pov:
Tanjiro went to his bathroom to change his clothes after 5 minutes later he then when back to his room only to be greeted by Muichiro running up to him and give him a hug...

And the rest of the day Muichiro and Tanjiro stick around like a glue,they talk,playing some games and many more

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And the rest of the day Muichiro and Tanjiro stick around like a glue,they talk,playing some games
and many more....the other simps is very jealous that Muichiro is hanging out with there omega getting to know each other while them are busy of there mission...

Later at night Muichiro beginning for Tanjiro to let him sleep with him which is Tanjiro only sigh and agreed "but only for tonight"-said Tanjiro.Muichiro only nodded he's head and hug the omega..

3 days later.....

No one pov:
Tanjiro went out of the estate.He looks around if someone was there ,but no one was around he then quickly run towards the forest.After 20 minutes later he arrive to his destination he then sees 3 figure one was sitting on the ground while the two is just bickering each other.Tanjiro look at them like 'okay...'-said Tanjiro on his mind.One was sitting on the ground notice him,he then got up and start to go towards Tanjiro.Tanjiro also walk forward the figure stop and hug him(Tanjiro) and he give tanjiro a kiss on his forehead,tanjiro blush a little and he also kisses him on the cheek.The two who's bickering each other stop and turn there head towards Tanjiro and the other figure,the two figure start to run towards Tanjiro.The two then give Tanjiro a big hug and tanjiro also hug them back and he kiss the two figure on the cheek the two hug him tight like his gonna disappear any minute...Tanjito didn't mind tho,the other one start to cry and said

???:Tanjiro,Ak?z? hit me!
Ak?z?:Don't believe him Tanjiro!I didn't hit him.!
K?ku?h?ib?o:You two stop it,..
D?m?:b-b-bu-t he h-hit me!
Ak?z?:Shut up Doma.! I didn't even hit you!
Doma:You almost hit me,Akaza!

Akaza was about to hit him on the head when Tanjiro said.-
Tanjiro:You two shut up!
The two then shut up while Kokushibuo glare at the two...
Tanjiro start to calm him self" this two won't get along "-said Tanjiro on his mind.After a while tanjiro then called Reo{his crow if you guys forget} Reo then flew towards tanjiro and he land on his head.Tanjiro smiled while the 3 simps almost have a nose bleed,Tanjiro told the crow and the crow nodded his head and flew.

No one pov:
The crow went to ubuyashiki estate.Ubuyashiki was sitting out side he was looking around the sky,he can't believe that he can see everything now he was happy and also thank full to Tanjiro even his wife and his children was crying of happiness that he can see again...after a while Ubuyashiki then saw a crow flew towards him.I smile at the crow

Ubuyashiki:Good morning reo?

Reo(the crow):Good morning Master Ubuyashiki

Reo(the crow):I'am very thankful that you can see again you have a very beautiful eyes, master....

Ubuyashiki:Thank you Reo

Ubuyashiki:So my I ask why you are here?

Reo(the crow):Tanjiro told me that he would love to have a chat with you master...and he also told me that he wants you to meet 3 people that you my know...

Ubuyashiki:Okay(with a smile~)

Ubuyashiki: When?

Reo(the crow): Today master if you are okay with that..?

Ubuyashiki:alright,then you can go now reo...

No one pov:
After Ubuyashiki said Reo then flew back to where Tanjiro was....
Not a minute later he finally found them sitting on ground talking to each other he then landed in Tanjiro head.Tanjiro knew that it was Reo so he just pat his head after a while Reo told Tanjiro what Ubuyashiki told him,Tanjiro only smile at him...tanjiro let reo rest in his head, he then stood up and the simps also stood up Tanjiro told then and the nodded and start to walk where the HQ was....

They already infront of the HQ the 3 simp only fallowed the small omega silent.Tanjiro then sees master ubuyashiki sitting on the floor waiting for them,now the 3 simp look at their new master the 4 of them bow down-.When Ubuyashiki saw the 3 simp he was shock that they are the top most strongest upper moon and not because of that he was also surprised that they where now at there side...

Tanjiro:Good morning Master Ubuyashiki

Ubuyashiki:Good morning Tanjiro

Ubuyashiki:My I know why are they here, Tanjiro?and also when did you guys meet?

Tanjiro: Of course master. infact I would like to have a word with you about why they are here master ubuyashiki...

Ubuyashiki: (smile)
Okay,come here inside so we can talk.

No one pov:
The 4 of then got inside the house and sat infornt of there master the 3 upper moons was very pleasant to there new master was so kind to them compare to there master a.k.a Muzan he was a pain in the ass. If they make 1 wrong move Muzan will latterly punish them all like a mad man....On the other hand Ubuyashiki will not punish them all only that person will resave the punishment and he also gave that person a advice....

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