our story

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When the Hashira and the Ubyashiki knew that Tanjiro and his siblings are actually those people helping them the whole time?!they where schock when Tanjiro reveal to them.


Tanjiro:So..Thats the story.

Ubuyashiki:I,see then.

Ubuyashiki:Thank you,Tanjiro and you tree for telling the truth about it.

Ubuyashiki:If its okay...

Ubuyashiki:Can I inform the others that the tree are also here.If its ok for you,Tanjiro?


Tanjiro:We must also tell them about so they won't miss understand it.

Ubuyashiki:Alright.Thank you for you time the four of you.You may now go and before you tree left pls come back here later afternoon.Alright?


And the four bow respect to their master and left.

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