-,' Siblings private mission 03 ',-

217 5 0

Aika's Uncle
[]_--------  sent a little to  --------_[]


_---| 🐿 |---_

Dear:Unknown squad

Hello good eve,Unknown squad.

My name is Hiroki Golden.I'am 40 years old and I want you guys help.You see,I'am a Musician and I own a Musical studio for people who are very talented, and I need you guys help because many people who went to the music room to get their instruments went missing...went the police went to the room to investigate they only see a puddle of black ink all over the floor and the walls too!

But,no  signs of   people who went missing for the pass few weeks.So,the reason I sent a little to you squad because I really, really needed you guys help you see thiers an incoming up concert in May 28 and I want you guys To come here at my studio and investigate before the concert, if their were any demons roaming around in my studio every night.

And if this letter reach it to you squad, pls come to [insert name of the city🙃] at 4pm.I'll be waiting for you guys outside at my studio.




No one pov😏:

Tanjiro and Zenitsu were at thier dorm.The two males are in the balcony watching people walking around (they are at the 5ft floor)is already 9pm in the evening when suddenly they saw Reo carry something.Reo landed on Tanjiros right finger and he handed the latter two his brother Zenitsu🙃 Zenitsu and Tanjiro went back inside all of them went towards the living room and sat in the couch while Reo was in the table eating his dinner(A nong tawag na table na sa living room?eh?bahala na 🙂 basta table na ).Then Tanjiro open the letter and Zenitsu then went towards his brother  and  the two males read the the letter it say this

(Read the top🎻)


Tanjiro and Zenitsu then look at each other and back at the letter and then

Zenitsu:Aika-sans Uncle ....

Tanjiro&Zenitsu:Sent a letter to us?!

The two said at the same time not to load cause they are in a hotel the dont want to disturb the others.Then the two settle down

Zenitsu:What about our siblings back in the estate they have no idea that Mr.Golden sent us a letter should we
Tanjiro:Yes.Reo well sent the letter tomorrow early in the morning
Reo:What is it Zenitsu?

Tanjiro and Zenitsu look at each other with an unsure face and looked back at Reo, the bird was abit confused at first but now he understand what his two brothers looks he have to use his power which is a portal  he have to use it. he was glad that his brothers teach him (his not just a normal bird nor a crow to sent and deliver  messages  he was gifted he has 3 ability witch is God of speed like Zenitsu,night vision,and last is portal he can just use the portal to deliver the messages to the siblings [if you ask can the siblings go trough to portal too?and the Answer is Yes  they can go trough the portal and meet Zenitsu and Tanjiro] witch is very far thats why Tanjiro and Zenitsu looks at him with unsure face.Well back from the past alot of birds like Reo has a powers like him a few years later they started vanished  today not really many birds like him has been seen but lucky for Tanjiro he meet him in the village and he became apart of the family

"Even he is different

they still considered him has

their brother"

Reo:I will try,bro
Zenitsu:Are you sure,Reo?
Reo:You never knew if I can do it!☺
Tanjiro:*smile*If you can't don't push your self,ok?
Zenitsu:Alright then...
Zenitsu:Lets go to sleep now so we can work on your power tomorrow
Zenitsu:ne?Little bro?

° Past forward 6am °


All of them are already done eating and they clear the living room since thats the only room is big enough they clear the middle they put the couch and the table in the side and then is done.
The only left to do is to Reo have to open the portal to go trough the Estate where the siblings are Tanjiro and Zenitsu are in side watching their little bro to work on his magic nobody talk just silent then Reo close his eyes and was concentrating to work on the portal then the two males from the side watch in silent and not a few minutes they can see a small hole then is starting to become big and boom💥! The portal has been created this is no time to celebrate then Zenitsu and Tanjiro then when towards Reo and give him a pat and hands him the letter they then look at the portal the other side of the portal is actually Nezukos room in the butterfly estate

Reo: the portal well close in just a minute
Tanjiro:You have to hurry Lil bro
Reo:I well!
Zenitsu:We will see you and the others later

Then Reo went and the portal starting to close they wave goodbye at Reo and Reo also wave goodbye to them and the portal close.

Butterfly estate--•

The siblings are bored they have nothing to do no mission no go down from the mountain to sell some charcoal or home made bread nor even woods!has they stare at the garden full of flowers and many plants they then heard a sound coming behind them they the turn around and see

Nezuko:Reo?!you came back so early!?

Reo:I know I use my power called portal to deliver this message to you all
*handed the letter to Nezuko*

Kanao:W-wait really?!

Reo:*shock while looking at Kanao*

Reo:Did you*look at Nezuko*

Nezuko:She is very fast learner

Nezuko:and easy to teach😚*kiss kanao in the cheek*



Reo:We have to move after you guys read that letter

Nezuko then let go of Kanao she then look at the letter

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