|How they meet|

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∆ In the infinity castle ∆

Kokushibou pov:
Me,Doma and Akaza are walking down the hall when we heard something from one of the rooms me and the two stop and look at each other and then Doma spoke-

Doma:Hey,did you guys heard that?
(Said doma)

Akaza:  dambass.Ofc,we have ears you know!
(Said in laud but whisper tone)

Doma:Jeez….I was just asking…-
(said wishper)

No one pov:
The trio than tip toes towards the room where they heard a sound. They where now infront of the room,at first they don’t understand what this person talking about but the voice is quite familiar tho….when they realize it was Muzan voice.Akaza was about to open his mouth to speak when they heard the most shocking think muzan said-

Muzan:I’m glad that I use them to find the blue spider lily’s to gain my power and take over the world

Muzan:And those useless upper moons and lower moons ?Hah!

Muzan:I’m just gonna kill them ones I get my hands on the blue spider lily’s and kill them all because they are useless anyways

No one pov:
The trio was shock to hear that that there master was just using them to get what he wants and kill them ones he gets his hands of the blue spider lily’s they are so mad at him and starting to regret what they have done killing those innocent people (s) Doma and Kokoshibou fell sad,guilty,angry etc; at their self for kill the one that they love back then(Douma and Inosuke mom never meet and Akaza and his girlfriend in the original Au are just friend in my AU-)

The three upper moons walk away silently not wanted to hear anything from there “Master” Muzan that they are just useless to to him….when they are far away from the room where MUzan was Kokoshibou then spoke

Kokoshibou:I need to go out to get some fresh air.What about you you two.?

(The two just nodded their head)


No one pov:
Then they heard a biwa sound and the trio was now outside the infinity castle ,Is already 1 a.m in the morning they just start to jump tree to tree to get has far away from the Castle.When they are far away they then start to walk along the empty and dark snowy road
3hours later….
The trio was just walking down the snowy grown they didn’t talk for an hours now because what they just heard they just walking when they smell something.Then they stop and staring at each other-

Akaza:Did you guys smell that?

Doma:Mhm.I smell an Omega prime and a Beta~
Doma:Should we check them out?


No one pov:
They then start to running  to the direction where the smell of omega prime and Beta coming from jumping tree to tree is not far where the smell came from.
3 minutes later the three upper moon was at the brunch of the tree looking at the two males the first male that they saw was a blonde hair what it looks like he was chopping some woods  and then a red head male came up to the yellow boy helping him chop some wood…the three upper moon was just watching a far they can’t stop looking at the red head boy the three upper moons blush because of how Tanjiro cute face and his smile there heart melt seeing the boy.

Doma:That red head boy is cute~right Akaza~?
(Akaza just stay silent he was blushing hard when he saw Tanjiro smiling at the blonde boy)

Akaza:s-shut u-up!!

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