•How it all begin•

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Don't blame me if my spelling is wrong-blame my keyboard cauze I think my keyboard has his own mind or smt😑😶

Tanjiro was watching Nezuko,Zenitsu and Inosuke getting ready to go down in the mountain to sell charcoal and home made bread.Tanjiro cant go down because his siblings want him to stay at home and rest just for to day because his siblings said so….tanjiro can only sigh watching his siblings leaving the house.

Nezuko:Onii-chan, we have to go now stay here and rest okay? Onii-chan..

Tanjiro:Alright.and please be careful you three…

The three only nod and smile at Tanjiro and Tanjiro also smile back at them…


Inosuke:Monjiro,when I get back-fight me!

Tanjiro: Hai, hai (yes²)Inosuke!bye!

The trio: Bye onii-chan/aniki/Gonpachiro!

Tanjiro only laugh a little…When the trio left the house,tanjiro then close the door and went to get some green tea
He was now sitting in the floor thinking something.-

Tanjiro pov:
I was thinking what my father and grandma told me about demons….
You know about demons and demon slayer? They say that demon slayer is an organization that has existed since ancient times,dedicating its existence to protecting humanity from demons.If you are asking “do you want me to be part of the demon slayer corps? My answer is no-I mean I wanted but in a secret way you know(helping them in secretly)..and also my father is not part of the demon slayer corps- And I remember that my father has a book about different breathing styles.”I wish that I can help them get revenge -wait…-that’s it! I think I remember where the book and his nichiran blade was,but I’am not sure is still their.

No one pov:

He quickly got up and went to the the attic.He then start to find the Katana and the book for of different breathing styles,…it took him 1 hour to find it and finally he found it…
He then grab the Katana and the book(books?) And went back in the living room,he put the book in his small desk and the katana is on his lap,he look at the katana for a moment..He then hold the katana  tsuka and it turn in to black like charcoal ..he grip it tight and boom!The color then change in the crimson red with a zigzag and top of the blade their was a fire dancing around it,it was amazing tanjiro was amazed cause it was his first time seeing it…and after a while he then put the katana next to him
He’s eyes landed on the book who’s infront of him for a moment he hesitate to open the book but he can’t help but curious what in side the book so he then open the book the first thing he saw was a tittle it said “Sunbreathing” Tanjiro who’s being him start to read the instructions/the book of sun breathing….

So the rest of the day he spent his time reading the Book of Sun breathing (You know what I mean)anyways….

Later that night he was waiting for the trio to come back when he heard a knock from the window which he already knew who was it


No one:
He then open the window but not to wide just a little for his crow to come inside
Tanjiro:Good evening,Reo

Reo(the crow): good evening to you to!

Tanjiro: Let me guess are they gonna stay at old man Soburo for tonight?

With a smile from his face-

Reo:yes they are…

Tanjiro didn't ask to much questions-

Tanjiro:Did they already feed you,Reo?(the trio what he means actually)
Reo:Yes they already feed me
Smile at Tanjiro

Back at the time Tanjiro meet Reo at the village the poor crow was hungry and can’t find anything to eat since is the middle of winter and is so cold he was freezing to death but when he meet Tanjiro his life turn up side down Tanjiro bring him to his house and takes care of him,feed him,and he also introduced to the trio and he also know about the death of the kamado’s family because Nezuko tells him it was quite sad for the two siblings.But the two keep strong and survived in the world full of demons…back to the story-
No one:
Tanjiro: Let’s go to bed now Reo and thank you for telling me that they are safe at Old man Saburo house

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