|How they meet|2|

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No one pov:
The three upper moons went down from the brunch finding a shade to hide and start talking.
Akaza:Who's gonna drink it first?

The two upper moons look at him for a while and then Doma then open his mouth to speak and said he will drink it since the two is not sure if this is a good idea to drink it.And after Doma said that he'll drink it, Kokushibou said that he can go first and tell us if something is gonna happen with a ansure face.
Doma then drink it without a hesitation the two can only watch him and after Doma drink all of it he didn't feel anything

Akaza pov:Nothing happen to him when he drinks it me and Kokushibou look at each other and shrug and then also start to drink the bottle full of purple liquid

Doma pov:
While I was watching the two drinking the bottle that Tanjiro give us I then look at the side I saw the sun rise up from the sky my body then move of his own and walk out from our hiding spot when I step out the sun hit on me and I didn't even burn-I c-can conquer the sun I-I was happy the potion that Tanjiro give us it,it works!!When I turn towards where the two are the two was shock that I can now conquer the sun the two was and the most shocking part is that the two looks so different when they look at me there face is now a human Akaza hair turn in to black and the line from his body was gone his eyes where like humans now and Kokushibo's eyes who look like a spider eyes turn into a now normal eyes like human has well and the marks on his face are still thier and then it hit me I then went over to the water witch is not far from us I then run towards the river and look at my reflection I-I was different now my eyes has no upper moon2 writing on it my fangs where gone I was happy that I almost cry out of joy then I look back behind the two was now standing from the sun they are also happy that they are free from muzan control and can now walk under the sun and can eat humans foods we are happy we are free and then Kokushibo then spoke that remember what Tanjiro told us before he went to the village me and Akaza also remember it and when up to the mountain where Tanjiro and his siblings live.

Kokushibo:Me and the two was walking up to the mountain while following the path where Tanjiro and his siblings live.And after a while we finally reach and we then saw a small little house me and the two when towards the door we three thinking who should knock the door when suddenly the door just open revealing a little girl with a pink kimono I think from the looks of it I think this girl age is around 18 she then spoke

Nezuko:Oh,You must be the three upper moons that Reo told us come in,come in.
Nezuko:Make your self at home-I said with a smile I then let them come inside and the tree then said Thank you and I said No problem.I then led them where the kitchen is and they sat one of the chair while I prepare breakfast for them.
Nezuko:So....What are you names?
Kokushibo:My name is Kokushibo and next to me is Akaza and the blond is Doma.
Nezuko:My name is Kamado Nezuko
Doma:Oh,~you must be Tanjiro sister,right?
Nezuko:*giggle*yes I'am.
Nezuko:You guys are must be wondering how did I knew about you guys coming here?Well because Onii-chan has a crow named Reo he always watching us from above when we go down from the mountain.He(she meant reo) went back here to tell me that three upper moons or should I say Onii-chan boyfriends are coming here to stay for a while,right😏?

The tree upper moons or should we called the three now looking humans blushing like a tomato (0//// )

Akaza:y-yes,i-if its okay with you?

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