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When the siblings wake up they where greatted by a hot sun.It was  middle after noon when they are fully awake they notice that someone tied there hands and there sword wasn't there either.They where shock and panic.what's more surprised was that they are at the HQ infrond of Master Ubuyashiki house.The siblings then let there guards up cause they feel like something bad is going to happen.It was quite to quiet for them to let there guard down.

They then stand up they didn't even know that someone was watching them every move.

The siblings then break the roap around there hands since they are strong the people whose watching them was shock then one of the order to attack the siblings.

The siblings was forming a circle and prepare to fight who ever try to attack them.Then some unknown people started running at them full speed almost kick Nezukos face but was quickly stop by Zenitsu feet the siblings was been train to fight they knew teakwando and meaning more.

Kanao wasn't there she was with Shinobu.The siblings didn't know that Kanao wasn't with them.

Zenitsu then kick that person away from Nezuko then some many people running towards them and started kicking,punching them.

Tanjiro has many opponent to knock and so did his siblings then someone lid a punch on Tanjiro beautiful face Tanjiro was trow away but not to far only a few meters away thats all.Tanjiro then look at them and grin evily at his opponents

Tanjiro:If you want it so bad to lid a good punch on me then come at me and try!

He laught a little like a sycophant not really

Tanjiro then started running to them and kick them from the nick so hard that they immediately pass out from the ground Tanjiro then look at his pray emo his pray he then form a fighting stand infront of them and grin.His opponent then started ruining towards him at full speed but didn't know that Tanjiro knew.
All there opponents was already at the ground past out probably died or alive.The siblings has some small bruises from there faces and other parts in the body.bruh.

Then from top of the roof someone was holding a crossbow and a arrow pointed at Tanjiro the person let go the arrow has the arrow went towards Tanjiro back but was surprised that Tanjiro able to dodge it by doing flexible.donno. and was looking at the person who was trying to kill him.Tanjiro was about to knock that person when suddenly heard a clapping noise inside master ubuyashiki house.

Then all of them got out from the shadow.The siblings was shocked to see them they where watching them all the time?Nezuko saw Kanao next to Shinobu clapping at them while smiling.

Nezuko then run up to Kanao and hug her tightly while Tanjiro and Zenitsu was trying to prosising something from their brain.

Giyu:You good,Tanjiro?

Tanjiro look at them with a confused look

Sanemi:Tanjiro?Is there something wrong?

Tanjiro:How did-?

All of them explain to them what they heard from Genya that they saw you going out blah blah blah.

Tanjiro:Thats explain why.

Tanjiro:By the way wheres my sword?

Genya:At the butterfly estate.

Tanjiro:Ok 👁👄👁.

A couple of days later.

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