Genyas Pov

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Slayer 1:Where here.

All of them including Genya was now already at the [insert city where Tanjiro is]

Slayer 3:Should we start asking outher people where the Studio is?


And they start asking people and they told them that "just go straight and turn left and you can see the studio ."they thank him and when there.

Genyas pov:
Is already night time me and the other slayers rent a place to stay for a night while the others preparing to go to sleep I only the other hand went outside to get some first air.

Has I keep walking I saw some figure walking towards the a store at first I didn't care much but,when I get closer I went to the glass window and look who is it.Then,I saw Tanjiro?! I shouted in my mind I was shocked that my love went here?Why is he herd in the city?

Then,I saw a lady giving him something" I think is a suit and a dress?"I mumbled to myself.

Tanjiro was about to turn his head when Genya noticed he quickly run somewhere to hide and from a far Gemya saw Tanjiro going out the store and went somewhere so Genya follows him to the Hotel and went to the dorm.Genya wasn't shocked he quickly called his crow and told him to tell others including Master Ubuyashiki that he saw Tanjiro and Zenitsu here in the city.

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