U still didn't sleep?

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When all of them went back to butterfly estate,Tanjiro,Zenitsu,Nezuko,and Inosuke wasn't there or anywhere in the estate which panicking them.

Shinobu:Have you all see them?

Mitsuri:N-no I check everywhere but no one..

All of them went back to the living room after they search them everywhere

Sanemi:Where the f are they?.

Their where talking when suddenly the door opens revealing Kanao.

Giyu:Hey,Kanao.Have you sees or saw Tanjiro and Nezuko?

Said in a worried tone.
All of them look at Kanao with a worried face

Kanao on the other hands was abit nervous but she then calm down her posture and shake her head left to right.

A while ago after all of them called Kanao sees Tanjiro getting ready to go to his next mission.

Kanao:Hey,Tanjiro where a u going?

Tanjiro:Oh,hey Kanao.I was just getting ready to go to my next mission.

Tanjiro:Why u ask?

Kanao:Should you just wait for them to come back?

Tanjiro:Nah,If I did they u know

Tanjiro:won't let me go?

Tanjiro:Since I'm a omega.I will deal them after I got back.

Kanao:Are u sure that u don't need my help?

Tanjiro:*smile*Thanks but I got it.

Tanjiro went outside at the butterfly estate.Tanjiro then turn his head side and said.

Tanjiro:Don't tell them.

Kanao can only look at Tanjiro and when she blink again he vanish into a thin air...

End of flash back—♡

Kanao when to the kitchen to grab some water to drank.When she finally alone she then sigh her nervousness,when up has shes thoughts begun to rise up!She nervously took a cup of water and drank it slowly even tho her hands are trembling in fear.


Tanjiro and Inosuke finally with back to the butterfly estate with a wound all over there body.

While Zenitsu and Nezuko was still finishing there own mission so they probably come back home in the morning.

Tanjiro open the estate back door quietly and went to the a infirmety office (I can't shit spell) .While Inosuke tailing behind him.

Time skip-


Tanjiro was now already infront of his room.When he opened it someone then grabbed his wrist and drank him to his own room.Tanjiro was struggling to break free when he look at the person who grabs his wrist.It was "Obani?" Tanjiro was surprised."W-what are you doing here?" No response.



Obani:Where have u been.


Obani:And don't think about lying to me.

Tanjiro was abit shock and finally with his heavy heart he tells him.


Obani was just looking at him after his lover told him.
He kept stirring at Tanjiro especially his lips.


Obani then grab Tanjiro and let him sit on his lap Tanjiro was blushing like a tomato.He was sitting on Obani lap while facing him.Then Obani take out his bandage all over his mouth since Tanjiro already knew that Obani has a scar on his mouth and didn't mind because he said that his scar was beautiful.

Tanjiro wasn't paying attention because his mind was Idk(^_^;)


Obani then started kissing Tanjiro lips after Obani kissed Tanjiro was shocked that he also kissed back. He then push Tanjiro on the bed and he started taking his shirt off and tossed.While Tanjiro was panting while looking at Obani.Obani then went towards Tanjiro and started kissing him while he also taking his clothes off his body.


Obani was enjoying listening Tanjiro moan.He then started living a love marks everywhere Tanjiros body.He was enjoying it.


Obani:What is it dear~?


Obani:What did you say?I didn't quiet Hear you~

Obani was teasing his lover a little bit while kissing his nipples.

___________________⌒(=๏ x ๏=)⌒__________________

The very next day when Obani wakes up he then look beside him and saw Tanjiro his lover next to him still asleep.He smiled and kissed his cheeks and hug him.

658 words

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