the past 2

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There he was...alone in the mountain.Tanjiro,did not mind if he is alone because this is also his training.Will u see Tanjiro is a omega.THE LAST OMEGA he was determined to train harder to make it stronger than ever before he will revenge his family.

Tanjiro doesn't care if his a Omega or not!He will hunt Muzan and kill him cutting his body a million pieces for his revenge for killing innocent people and to his beloved family.

Mean while with Tanjiro Kamado:

I let my breath relax has I look at the sun starting to rise up!from the sky.I took out my blade the once from my father who give the kanata to me, passing down to generation to generation until,ut was pass down to me the oldest siblings kamado.

I relax my lungs and my body has I look down from the mountain where I came from.Then.I run down from the mountain has fast has I can it was cold out here in the mountain but,at the same time it warms me up while doing my training.

I then since something coming towards me I then gaze my eyes to where I saw a sharp knifes coming towards me.My body moves on his own and avoided them while using my katana has my defense.I keep running and avoiding evey trap that I run in to.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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