Phase 2

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Monday 8:00am

Sitting in the lunch room to myself I texted Ivy. She was having a bad morning. She kept crying about her acne and I had problems myself.

Not paying attention Manny had sat next to me staring. "Good Morning." He spoke. "Oh, Morning Manny." "You good?" He asked. "I'm fine." I said still holding my phone texting Ivy.

Don't worry about it babe. I'm sure your still hot with ance. Just do a facial and I'll see you tomorrow. -Love Mia.

"Why didn't you say bye to me before you left? I tried calling you but you turned your phone off." "Yeah I was tired of that boring scene." I said to him.

"I thought you had fun. I mean it looked like it you smiled the whole time." He said. "Yeah I guess but like I said I'm over it." "Over what? You sure you okay Mia?" He asked.

"I'll be okay. Shoot I got to go." I said leaving Manny at the table and going to library. Checking out the book Hamlet. I sat down and skimmed through the text.

I had a paper to do and I'm doing good so I don't need to get behind now. Knowing absolutly nothing about the book I took breif notes. The bell rung for lunch to be over.

Walking to class I had decided to sit next to Raven instead. I knew that would piss Manny off. No cheating off my paper today I laughed inside.

Manny walked inside the class tardy and mugged me from his seat. I don't care how he feel right now. Two can play at that game.

Raven was super smart. It didn't take her long at all to do her paper. I was mid way finished and the paper was due in two days. Maybe I'll get her to help me out. Also get the scoop on her and this gay ordeal.

Getting out of class I made my way out. Manny grabbed my hand. "Can we talk?" He asked me. "I got to go I don't be late for class unlike some people I know." He smirked.

"Oh okay I was talking to my coach. What were you doing sitting next to Raven Scarlett?" He asked. "Oh that's cute you know her first and last name goody."

"It's not like we don't have class you kind of learn everybody first and last name after a couple days. So seriously what's up?" He asked. "Nothing just stuff. School stuff. I'm working hard and don't need distractions." I said.

"So I'm a distraction?" He asked pissed. "Maybe you are Manny." I said. "Wow Mia all this is new to me. I'm your man your being very irriational right now."

"Good to know your up on your vocabulary for once." I said. "So you calling me stupid now or a moron? Really Mia check yourself. Once your done being a bitch call me."

He walks off my mouth wide open. Did he call me a bitch and walk off like a coward. How dare him? The last boy called me that got beat up and threw in a dumpster.

Thinking about that all day my head hurt. Going home Brook called me. "Mia?" "Yup?" I answered. "How was school?" She asked me."Why?" "Did you not notice I wasnt there?" Brook asked. "No I didn't but will your teachers notice. I think so." I said.

"So what? I ditched with Devin he so cool." "Since when do we ditch school for boys?" I asked her. "Since I meet him. Don't judge me it was fun." "What yall do? Have sex all day?" I asked.

She laughed. "Nope. Get your mind out the gutter bay. We hung out at his friends house. It was so dope all his friends were nice to me to." "Way to go out brook." I said.

"What are you saying Mia?" "You don't know them. Who knows what their capable of. You thinking they nice but they may be just a front." I said getting annoyed with Brook. "Huh? So I'm not cool enough to be liked?" She asked.

"Not at all. Whose to say they wasn't being extra friendly to get you comfortable and then run a train on you." I said seriously. "Wow Mia you are out of line. I'll call you when your not being a snob."

Hanging up on me I shrugged my shoulders. I cannot help I'm over protective of my closest friends. I'm very territorial and I go hard for the ones I love but if they don't like it screw them.

Taking a shower Darcy called for me. Downstairs on the table supper was prepared. Looking at my plate my eyes lit up with joy I love food. Darcy cooked a shrimp pasta.

There were crablegs, shrimp, lobster, corn, and potatoes. Why such a big dinner? Sitting there I heard the door open and my sister's big mouth also.

"I've returned for this lovely night. Mom!" She yelled walking inside. "In here Ms.Knight." Darcy yelled as morgan walked in the dining room with some guy. She smiled and sat down.

"Charles this is Darcy our personal cook. She has prepared for us my favorite a seafood fest." Charles didnt look impressed at all. Now that I mention it he look like a creep.

"Where is mom?" The door opens. "Mom?" "Yes dear I got your text did I miss anything?" Our mom asked. "No you made it on time." Morgan answers smiling. "Great. Thanks Darcy it looks good as always. You can leave and enjoy the rest of your night." Our mom says taking a seat at the table.

Darcy stay with us. She has her own room to. Darcy treats us well and so do we. You can call her our second mom so to speak. My mom joins us for lunch.

"So mom and midget this is Charles. We are here to annonce our engagment." She smiled and blushed. My mom looked unsure on what to say next. Clearing her throat she spoke.

"How long have you all been dating?" She asked Morgan. "It's been almost a year." She answered. "Almost a year huh? Have you meet his parents?" "No but that's why we took this break to meet and greet." Morgan said stupidly.

"Do you love her Charles?" Our mom asked him. "I wouldn't have left school to travel across town to meet you lovely people if I didn't miss." Charles said. "Smooth. So are you ready for marriage?" "As ready as I'll ever be." He answers.

I wasn't to sure about it and I'm sure my mom agrees with me. The guy was weird and I don't trust him at all to say the less. I'm not feeling this arrangment one bit.

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