Chapter 3: Hargeon

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The last magazine Brie had closed with a loud "thump" Brie sighed deeply, exhausted. Since she hadn't any more magazines to read, and still had an hour to spare, she decided to write about her surroundings, about the train.

Brie opened a brand new, small red notebook, and pulled out a black ballpoint pen from her bag. The notebook had a golden embroidery of a globe on it. "A traveler's journal" she thought, and began writing.


Journal Entry 1

Here I am, on my way to Hargeon with an hour left to spare. I thought I had to start writing sometime I go. The people on this train are pretty generic. Nothing special except there are two large men wearing some kind of uniform in the very back riw, and another pair in the front row. I think that is a little strange....but then again, I've never been out of Lamia Scale, I don't know how the world is.

Everyone else is quiet, reserved and rather ordinary. Everyone with the exception of a couple a few rows up on the train with an infant child who often cries. I don't find it annoying like some other passengers do, I think it's cute! That's probably how my parents were with me, coming back on the train after rescuing me. Oh, I would like a child of my own someday. I'm much too young for that now, but....someday.

Oh, I'm getting off track! Observations and experiences, that's what this journal is about.
Well....ok....going into a larger area/city than I'm used to is very exciting! I'm not having much luck finding a mage to teach me magic yet, but I'm only on the train to get to Hargeon! I haven't even officially met anyone new!

Just then, the train jolted forward, making Brie accidentally draw a long line across the remainder of the paper.

"Crap" Brie whispered, and turned the page.

Why, that was a scare! The train jolted - nevermind that. Well now, the men in uniforms at the front and back of the train car are fidgeting, it looks like. Oh well, I guess a jolt in a train can startle even the most tough seeming people!

The scenery is changing. I see more houses and buildings. It's a nice, pleasant place, or so it appears. Wow, I can't wait to get off this train, I'm getting motion sickness now.

Not much else to write about.... I suppose I'll wait 'till I arrive in Hargeon! Oh, the excitement!

Brie closed her journal and put up her pen just as the conductor made an unsettling announcement, "Uhh--Hello, passengers!" He said this over-zealously "We are--we're arriving in Hargeon in....ten minutes!" Brie swore she heard a different, muffled voice over the intercom, but before she could listen closer, the conductor continued, "Please stay in your seats and....and--enjoy the ride, buh-bye!"

The intercom clicked off.

"Strange" Brie thought, but she obeyed the conductor's instruction, and remained in her seat. After five minutes of silence, she noticed the men in uniform arise from their seats, and walk to the front of the train car. They were all lined up, the four of them, blocking the door to get to the next car. They stared blankly for a few silent munutes, and then the train slowly came to a stop.

After a good three minutes of waiting at the station, no one moved except a tall and slender man, who arose from his seat and spoke in an impatient tone, "Hey!" He said directed towards the four men blocking their exit, "Hey, I got somewhere to be, ok?!"

The men stood still, remaining calm, as the man huffed, and muttered things like, "can you believe this?" And, "a-holes" after a minute or two of no response, he sat down again, but, in turn, the rest of the people became impatient. Including Brie.

People stood, yelled, and sat down much like the first guy,  others, whimpered in fear, but lots just stared and muttered things to the passengers beside them. Not a single person in that car attempted to get past the four men. They could, perhaps, if they all worked together, but they didn't use any physical methods.

After a whopping hour of waiting, Brie became frightened, "what if this was a mistake," She thought, "what if I don't make it back home?"

But minutes after she had those frightening thoughts, the man on the right end of the row spoke, "Excuse us, please, we didn't mean to cause any inconvenience to you." He said in a surprisingly nasally and hight pitched voice. He adjusted his brown velvet uniform's collar.

"Well?" Said the first guy, who stood up once again, "Thanks to you lunatics, I'M FORTY MINUTES LATE FOR A MEETING!"

Brie was startled by this explosion, but all the men remain calm and unfazed. "As I said," The man in the front of the car continued, "We sincerely apologize."

The angry man dropped his hands to his sides then shrugged, and continued displaying his fury, "Yeah? We'll I don't think an apology's going to do us any good!" He looked for agreement amongst the passengers. There were a few scattered comments like, "yeah!"  and, "right!" But most passengers stayed silent, not knowing what to make of the ordeal.

"Well, then let me explain ourselves," the man with the nasally voice continued, "we're here for one reason. That reason?" His face curled up into a twisted grin, "To capture and kill Gabriela Redfox"

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