Chapter 13: Undercover

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Colored picture of Brieee

(probably doesn't look as good as the non-colored picture but it's okay cause I made a photocopy of the original so I have both versions :P)


"Lucy!" Master Makarov called from his office. The woman looked over as the old man motioned for her.

"What's up, Gramps!" Lucy greeted him with glee, leaving Natsu and Happy to walk into his office.

"Lucy," Gramps started after shutting the door to his office and taking a long deep breath. He wore a very sincere expression, "I have an important, indipendent task for you."

Lucy's smile vanished as she straightened her posture to try to look more professional and serious, "S-Sure" The woman was surprised by his sudden sincerity.

Master began pacing the room, looking very worried, "You see," he started while stopping to look out the window as he spoke, "I have very bad news, Lucy. A new dark guild has surfaced. And they're targeting innocent children whose parents belong to magical guilds."

Lucy gasped in horror. Fairy Tail had tons of children. Erza and Jellal had two girls, Mirajane and Laxus had a little boy on the way, Gray and Juvia had four little troublemakers, Levy and Gajeel had Aiko, and Natsu and herself had even had a child! The guild had practically been overrun by kids. The idea that any one of them could be stolen by a dark guild made Lucy shudder.

"It's shocking, I know. All of Fairy Tail's youngsters are in danger," Master Makarov continued, "But I'm trustung that you have the ability to shut them down." The man leaned against the windowsill casually as he revealed the news.

"WHAT?!" Lucy suddenly screamed after a few seconds of trying to understand what her Master was asking her to do, "TAKE DOWN A GUILD ALL BY MYSELF?? WHAT HAPPENS IF I FAIL? DON'T I GET ANY HELP JUST IN CASE? THIS IS A WHOLE ENTIRE DARK GUILD WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!!" Lucy rambled on for minutes, then finally settled when she noticed that Gramps stayed frozen in the same position the whole time without saying a single word. She took the hint, "I'm...sorry." embarrassed, she stared at the ground and clasped her hands together, "Please continue, sir."

Letting out a sigh, the Master obeyed, "Please excuse my improper wording." He turned to look at Lucy, "I do think that this mission will be much easier to accomplish than you think. You see, it's less of 'taking down a dark guild' and more of, 'stalling' a dark guild."

Lucy confusedly looked up from the floor and at Master Makarov, "Stalling a dark guild?" She questioned.

"Exactly." The man assured, "You will seize their first kidnapped child, their first victim, which they are reported to steal in about three months, according to some spies we sent out, and then bring her back here. After that, once we think it's safe, we'll deliver her to her back to her original guild, safe and sound." He took another breath, "the reason this will be stalling instead of destroying the guild, will be because you will simply capture the girl. Then, knowing most guilds, they will try to find the source that is ruining their plans, thus temporarily stopping their actions."

"Wow, very intricate plan..." Lucy processed all of the information, "So, about the first victim: we know she's a girl? What else do we know about her?"

"Well, fortunately, we actually know who she is, thanks to an anonymous tip given by someone on the bus she was captured upon... They said someone was captured and received a death threat, but was too frazzled and surprised to remember her name. We did, however, track her down based on a description of her and the local bus circuit from Hargeon."

"Great!" Lucy jumped in excitement, "Well, what's her name?--ooh, ooh, what guild does she belong to?"

"Now, now," Gramps started back again with a chuckle, "Let's not get too excited about this. Remember how serious this mission is."

"Ok..." Lucy smiled, "I understand....but shouldn't I know her name if I am to rescue her?" Her grin grew even larger.

Master smiled too, "Well, of course you'll have to know her name, my child." He pulled out an manilla envelope from a drawer, and removed its contents, which consisted of a few sheets of paper.

"Her name..." Makarov paused and brought the paper closer to his face so he could read it better, "Is Gabriela Ayley. She's seventeen years old, going to be eighteen in a couple months. Young girl's got a lot potential."

"Gabriela Ayley...seventeen..." Lucy muttered while scratching her chin. "And what guild does she come from?"

"She's not a mage, but her parents, Sid and Lorra Ayley, are from Lamia Scale" Master replied, "Makes you wonder if she can defend herself well enough."

"Yeah, I wonder what kind of shape she's in." Lucy pondered, "Those dark guilds torture, and kill...poor girl." The woman felt genuinely sorry for Brie.

"That's why you must rescue her, Lucy. This will be an undercover operation. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir. But...who will I be disguised as? What do I do..." Lucy asked, evaluating the situation.

"You'll be disguised as a guard. And... as I thought it through during this talk, maybe you should go with a group." Even as he said this, Master still thought it over cautiously. If a large group confronted the dark guild, it would likely be suspicious...but Lucy herself wouldn't be able to rescue Gabriela without was too big of a job even for an experienced mage such as herself.

"But wouldn't it be suspicious for a large group of random people to randomly join a dark guild...I mean, I know i freaked out about it earlier but..." Lucy seemed to have read Makarov's mind as she said this, but it gave Gramps' reassurance that she had an open mind about things.

"Yes," Gramps smiled, "I suppose it should be a staggered hire...just to eliminate know, like we get a small group and the first one gets hired a few weeks before another and so on."

"Sure, I like it, but who would join me?" Lucy asked.

"We'll contact some lesser-known mages in the guild, people who will blend in. You'll do well, Lucy, because you don't have any blaring features, like Natsu's pink hair, or Erza's scarlet hair, or Gray's...stripping."

"I guess so." Lucy said, a little bummed that she didn't stand out.

"Cheer up, child!" Master grinned, "You're a great mage, it shouldn't matter your looks."

Lucy giggled, "Thanks Gramps!" She pondered for another minute and then asked, "Well, anyway, when should I apply to be hired?"

"You shall apply lastly. They'll want to give you as much hands-on experience as you can, and the rest of the undercover group should ask to train you." Makarov explained.

"Sounds good. I just hope it goes to plan." Lucy trailed off thinking of everything that could go wrong.

"I hope so too, Lucy. I hope so too."

The two stood in silence for a few more minutes until Lucy thanked her Master and rejoined Natsu and Happy.

Sitting around a table with them, watching all the kids hang out together, she hoped with all of her heart that Fairy Tail's kids would be safe, as well as everyone elses, but she wild go undercover with her young guildmates in her heart.


Sorry this chapter was mostly conversation...

So now I hope you can assume who Lucille is! ;) ;)

Once again, please give feedback, suggestions, or literally anything cause I love the few of you who read this book (;-;)

Thanks for reading guys!

Love you!


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