Chapter 11:

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Pic of the new cover for this book made by -Nashi_Dragneel-

Thanks so much Nashi-chan!! ;)

She was growing up so fast, Levy couldn't believe it! Her lovely Aiko was about to be an official member of Fairy tail! She tried not to think of Gabriela too much, it was still so painful and confusing. In fact, they never talked about her except for briefly at the funerals, which most guildmembers found to be unnecessary at this point.

Aiko had purple hair, but it was rapidly becoming darker as she aged, and red eyes, identical to Gajeel's. She developed a strong interest in magic and knew all the vocabulary, like "dragonslayer," and, "maker-magic" and she loved the guild hall!

Aiko finally joined the guild at the youngest age ever: just 9 years old!

Aiko took up magic very quickly and soon became very powerful. She practiced solid script magic and iron dragonslayer magic.

Aiko was the most enthusiastic one in the guild, and had the ability to brighten someone's day with her smile.

On the other hand, Aiko was very strong, and had a reputation in the guild by the time she was a teenager.


"Hi Mira-chan!!" Aiko bounded up to the bar and sat on a stool. She smiled at the woman, who held the official Fairy Tail stamp, It was time for Aiko to become apart of Fairy Tail!

"Hello, Aiko. Are you excited to finally become an official member of the Fairy Tail guild?" Mira replied.

"Of course I am! I've been waiting so long for this!!" Aiko's red eyes sparkled, she was so excited.

"I remember when I first joined. It was a thrill!" Mirajane remembered, and sighed, "Those were the good days."

Mira then giggled and snapped out of her trance, "Okay, let's get going then!" Mira loved Aiko's enthusiasm and determination. She was a lovely little girl. Soon, the woman asked the question Aiko had been waiting for, "Where do you want the guild mark, and what color?"

Aiko jumped up and responded as quickly as she could while taking Mira by surprise, "I want it on my forehead--RAINBOW COLORED!!" Aiko had launched herself up onto the countertop and smiled with wide eyes at Mirajane. Their faces were centimeters apart.

Mira just giggled and shook her head at the girl after helping Aiko back onto the barstool, "Aiko, you know I can't make the guild mark rainbow colored! And I don't think you'd like the mark on your forehead when you're older." The woman counseled.

"But Miraaaa!" Aiko whined, slumping into the barstool, "Bickslow has it on his tongue! So why can't I have it on my forehead??" She crossed her arms and bunched her eyebrows at Mira. She slouched in her seat.

"Now, now, child" Mirajane started, "Bickslow made that desicion when he was a mature adult. You may regret putting the guild mark on your forehead when you're older. Understand?"

Aiko pouted in response, "Well, if I put it anywhere else, no one will be able to see it! I want everyone to know I'm in Fairy Tail." Aiko turned her head away from Mira as she spoke. She had a lot of attitude.

"Oh, Aiko-chan! There are so many places to put the guild mark where everyone will see it! You could even put it on your stomach, like your mother, Levy."

"I don't want it where my mom has it." Aiko scoffed closed-mindedly.

"Hmm." Mira paused in thought, "Well, it really depends on your wardrobe." She scratched her head for a few more seconds and then said, "Got it!"

"What is it?" Aiko asked, still pouting.

"Well, you could put it on your shoulder! That'll be visible, dont you think?" Mira started.

However,looking at the girl's facial expression, she felt that she had to elaborate, "I know, I know, you don't want the mark where any of your parents have it, but you could put it on the shoulder opposite of where your father has the guild mark! That would mean your right shoudler!" The woman suggested.

"Well...fine." Aiko pouted, trying to hide the excitement that came back into her eyes, "and you're sure that you can't make it rainbow?

"Sorry." Mira replied simply.

"Okay then, I'll have! No--red!" Aiko exclaimed, "yeah, I want it red! It'll match my eyes!" She batted her eyelashes, and squealed in excitement.

Mirajane smiled and walked out from behind the counter, "Okay, red on your right shoulder? Sounds good? You don't want to change anything?"

"Nope, that's perfect. Now come on, I don't have all day!" Aiko said impatiently. She was shaking with excitement.

"Okay then!" Mira laughed and prepared the stamp. It made a little popping sound as it came off Aiko's shoulder. She gaped in awe at the new mark on her body.

"Folks, we have a new official member of Fairy Tail!" Mira announced, her hands gesturing towards the little girl. The whole guild erupted in applause as Aiko admired her new tattoo.

"Thanks so much, Mira!" Aiko exclaimed and wrapped her arms around the woman.

"Aww, no problem little mage!" Mira replied hugging back.

Levy and Gajeel watched from a distance as their little girl became the newest member of the guild.

"Great job Aiko!" Levy yelled from across the hall, as her and Gajeel greeted Aiko and exchanged hugs.

"Yeah! Now you can beat up some bad guys with us!" Gajeel promised.

"Woah there, she's nine years old Gajeel," Levy started, "maybe we'll wait a few more years before she goes on any jobs." She said giggling nervously at Gajeel's remark.

Gajeel winked at his wife with his ecstatic daughter in his arms, easing Levy's worries, but she knew someday her little Aiko would leaver her safety...and grow up.

This chapter is dedicated to @Aiko_Redfox

I hope I got your OC's personality right!! :P

Thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments (keep it up, haha) and sorry again that it takes me so long to publish a chapter!! x_x

Have a good day, guys! <3


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