Chapter 2: Fairy Tail

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After the "sound" Fairy Tail had been somber, and poor, its people's spirits crushed. The guild had been destroyed physically and spiritually by an unknown cause, and the worst part was, Fairy Tail's newest addition.....had gone missing.


Hot tears endlessly flowed down Levy's face. There wasn't a passing moment when she didn't think about her daughter, and the future she never had. The young woman didn't even know if her child was alive! It was only three days after the "sound" destroyed the guild, and search parties were sent all over Fiore looking for Levy and Gajeel's lost child. So far, she was nowhere to be found.

In Fairy Tail's musty basement, Levy and Gajeel shared a small bed and wept silently all day, awaiting the next search party's return. Both of the parents insisted on helping search for their daughter, but it was obvious Levy needed rest, and Gajeel needed to take care of her.

Levy constantly thought about the child's deep red eyes, and navy blue hair, her soft pale complexion. The baby's hair was already thickening and resembling both her parents' wild hair. The way her daughter stared up at she was the world. And the way she reacted to Gajeel's silly faces was priceless. Her laughter was a sound more beautiful, and relieving than anything Levy had ever heard. The baby's heart was made of gold, even as an infant, the Redfox child showed care, and ambition. She showed innocence and purity.

Every so often, the couple would smile at each other, Levy lying down, for she had become ill due to stress, and Gajeel looking down at her, sitting at the edge of the metal bedframe. They laughed because they knew they were thinking about the same thing. Every so often they'd share an, "I love you" but no words could make up for their terrible loss. Only getting back what they lost could give them back the piece of their spirit that they'd lost.

The "sound" had left everyone in Magnolia unconcious, so the young parents had no way of protecting their baby or knowing where she went. When the guild awoken, everything was in ruins.

Fairy Tail guildmates tried to comfort Gajeel and Levy by saying things like, "Everything will turn out all right," and, "There was absolutely nothing you could do to save her..." But just as mentioned before, words didn't make a dent in their depression.

After two weeks, with Levy still sick, Fairy Tail's spirits still crushed, a slowly rebuilding guild hall, and no child to be found, everyone had lost hope. They kept on with life, by grieving and comforting those who needed comfort, but the members of Fairy Tail's heart's were driven by nothing except the will to survive. Everyone....except five mages which included Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Happy, and Erza.

The team of five had left the moment the baby went missing and still hadn't returned. Some thought the team had died on the journey, which stomped on and crushed everyone's remaining spirit. However, at three weeks gone, Fairy Tail received a letter with a return address from old fort! They'd traveled across the land just to find GaLe's child. The couple, along with the guild, was suddenly faithful and some hope was restored. It's funny how things such as commitment can enlighten people.

Well, thanks to Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray, and Erza's undying commitment, the guild slowly finished rebuilding the guild hall in nine months.


The team returned to the guild on Gabriela's first birthday. It had been one year of constant search.

The five mages swung the new guild hall doors open, and stepped into the hall with the most solemn expressions they'd ever worn on their faces. Mira was the first to spot them, and she immediately began to weep out of shock and relief - and lots of other feelings. At a loss of words, the woman simply whimpered and ran full speed at the group to embrace them in a hug. Soon, the whole team was balling and not long after, so was the rest of the guild. After all had settled, Erza was the first of the five mage team to speak, "We couldn't find her."

At that moment, Levy and Gajeel entered the hall. "What's happening every--" Levy stood in shock, her face white once she saw her friends. The whole guild stared at the couple, Gajeel spoke after several seconds, "Th-thank you, for looking for...h-her, you guys" Levy simply rested her head in her hands, crying, beyond relieved her friends were okay.

"Levy...." Lucy started, but Levy stopped her from speaking further. "Shh," her face was wet with tears, "She'll always be with us," Lucy then stopped crying and wore a humbled expression. The whole guild waited in silence for Levy to continue speaking. They waited for several minutes before she continued, "Even if I can't hold her, she'll always be here!"

After that day, the guild vowed to have a funeral for Gabriela anually....on her birthday so the GaLe child could be forever remembered, and so her spirit could live on!

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